There is today no definitive agreement among social scientists about the nature of family policies in Central and Eastern European countries(CEE). Often national family policies are evaluated using general macro-level criteria, where the financial impact of such policies on different types of families is ignored. This project uses a micro-level analysis to examine how much financial benefit is obtained by different types of families using a model family method. The generosity of governments toward different types of families will be defined in terms of the tax benefit system. The key questions addressed are: Which family types are supported most by national governments? Which governments are most generous to families? Is the Czech Republic most similar to the CEE or Western European model?
Project publications (total 8, displaying 1 - 8)
The book explores the structure and level of financial support addressed to families with children in the Czech Republic and 16 other European countries as of January 2004. Through analysis of tax-benefit system it examines where the Czech Republic stands in respect of family support within the European context and assesses which European policy is most similar to the Czech model of financial family support.
By comparing the Czech and foreign experience, the reviewed work offers a unique insight into the measures and processes aimed to facilitate balancing the work and family responsibilities in multinational corporations. The work is of interest not only for experts and academics but also for wider public.
Publikace se zabývá otázkou, jak evropské státy finančně podporují rodiny s dětmi a jak se tato podpora odráží na životní úrovni různých typů rodin a jak souhra sociálního systému a podmínek rodičům pomáhá se o své rodiny postarat. Dále se diskutuje otázka, jaký mají pohled na povinnosti státu samotní rodiče a jak do výpomoci s dětmi vstupují prarodiče. Mapovány jsou tedy jak fungování systému dávek a daní a situace na trhu práce, tak postoje rodičů a mezigenerační výpomoc.