Institute for Democracy and Economic Analysis


Political Competition in Local Governments and Public Procurement

Municipalities in the Czech Republic manage 23.9% of the total public expenditure (approximately 10% of the GDP), with approximately half of these funds redistributed through public procurement. This is a very significant amount of public resources that should be given due attention.

Read more: Political Competition in Local Governments and Public Procurement


Brexit Effects

July 12, 2016, Author: Jan Švejnar

There are and will be major gyrations in the financial markets until things clear up; depending on the resolution of the Brexit crisis, there may be negative spillovers on economic growth worldwide.

Read more: Brexit Effects


Public lecture: The Knowledge Capital of Nations

June 7, 2016   On the importance of educational achievement for economic prosperity, policies fostering school accountability and autonomy, and the role of vocational education. Key note speaker: Professor Ludger Woessmann, University of Munich


Read more: Public lecture: The Knowledge Capital of Nations