Intranet Čeština

Shared Equipment

Shared Equipment

For equipment booking use our on-line reservation system (requires registration).



Microscopy facility

Equipment Year Dept Location Use for Manager Operator
Leica SP8 AOBS WLL MP confocal 2015 60 DAI 10 Inverted laser scanning and multiphoton microscope Mgr. Daniel Hadraba Mgr. David Vondrášek
Leica SP2 AOBS 2007 60 DAI 9 Inverted laser scanning and fluorescence microscope Mgr. Daniel Hadraba Mgr. David Vondrášek
Leica SPE confocal 2007 60 DAI 9 Upright laser scanning and fluorescence microscope Mgr. Daniel Hadraba Mgr. David Vondrášek
Optical projection tomography 2011 60 DAI 2 3D imaging of transparent samples Radochová Barbora, RNDr., Ph.D.  
CellVizio Optic fibre confocal microscopy 2015 33 D 050 Optic fibre confocal microscope capable of fluorescence imaging from surface to deep tissues in whole animal. See more. Otáhal Jakub doc. MUDr. PhD Mgr. David Kala
Neuroimage - stereology microscope 2010 33 D 048 Neuroimage (MBF Bioscience Kubová Hana doc. Dr. DrSc.  
Leica LMD 6000 Laser capture microdissector 2008 21 D 239 Allows to identify and dissect microareas from tissue or cell smear. Martin Vodička Mgr.  
Carv II system 2013 32 D 048 Spinning disc confocal microscope Hadraba Daniel Mgr. Mgr. David Vondrášek




Proteomic facility

For more information, you can also directly check the ProteoLab website.


Equipment Year Dept Location Use for Manager Operator
Mass spectrometer 2005 22 E 305 HPLC and mass spectrometry analysis of physiologically important compounds Mikšík Ivan prof. Ing. DrSc.  
Capillary electrophoresis Agilent 7100  2012 22 E 201 Separation instrument for analysis of a broad spectrum of compounds Mikšík Ivan prof. Ing. DrSc. Mgr. Pavla Sedláková, PhD
2D electrophoresis and Bruker MaXis MS 2009 22 E 306 Proteomic analysis Mikšík Ivan prof. Ing. DrSc. Ing. Statis Pataridis




Metabolomic facility

Equipment Year Dept Location Use for Manager Operator
Qtrap 5500 mass spectrometer 2012 17 E 218 metabolomics, lipidomics Kuda Ondřej RNDr. Ph.D. Ivana Brabcová, Ph.D.



CentriVap Refrigerated Vacuum Concentrator

2016 17 E 218 metabolomics Kuda Ondřej RNDr. Ph.D.  




Whole body phenotyping

Equipment Year Dept Location Use for Manager Operator

Behavioral analysis

PhenoWorld - automatic modular system 2015 32 G Modular system for complex behavioral analyses Kubík Štěpán, RNDr. PhD.  
Multi conditioning system 2011 32 D 037 System accommodating nine standard conditioning paradigms for the evaluation of learning, memory, emotion and stress-related behaviors in mice and rats. Valeš Karel RNDr. Ph.D.  
Phenotyper - system for behavioral analysis 2013 33 D 011 PhenoTyper (Noldus) for 8 rats. System is designed for automatated behavioral analysis in instrumented observation cage.   Kubová Hana doc. Dr. DrSc.  
Hematology Analyzer scil Vet abc Plus+ 2016 41 E 017 Analytical Instrument to determine haematological parameters from whole blood   RNDr. Světlana. Žufanová


microCT/PET Albira 2013 96 E 013 In vivo imaging of small laboratory animals Roman Liška  


GE-VIVID 7 echocardiography 2010 80 D302b Non-invasive assessment of heart geometry and function Papoušek František Ing. CSc.  

Blood pressure

Telemetric monitoring of blood pressure 2013 25 D Long term telemetric monitoring of blood pressure and sympathetic activity Vaněčková Ivana RNDr. CSc.  


Indirect calorimetry INCA Somedic 2012 17 G 008 Indirect calorimetry for mice and rats Kristína Bardová Mgr.  




Mitochondrial energetics

Equipment Year Dept Location Use for Manager Operator
Oroboros Oxygraph 2k 2013 13+17 DAII 108 Three setups for measurement of cellular/mitochondrial respiration. One with fluorescent attachment for ROS/ATP monitoring Pecina Petr, Mgr. PhD  
Seahorse Xfe-24 alanyzer 2014 13 DAII 228 Plate based system for measurement of respiration and glycolytic activity of cells Mráček Tomáš, RNDr. PhD  





Molecular biology facility

Equipment Year Dept Location Use for Manager Operator
Agilent RNA analyzer 2004 21 D 224 Provides sizing, quantitation and quality control of DNA, RNA, proteins and cells on a single platform. Ergang Peter Ing. PhD  
Nanodrop spectrophotometer 2007 21 D 224 Measurement of nucleic acid concentration and purity and fluorescent dye labeled proteins. Ergang Peter Ing. PhD  
Light Cycler 480 real-time PCR 2009 17 D 224 Real-time PCR system    
ViiA 7 real-time PCR 2012 21 D 224 Real-time PCR system with HRM possibility Ergang Peter Ing. PhD  





Equipment Year Dept Location Use for Manager Operator
Microbeta counter 2004 14 D 121 scintillation counting in a plate format Doležal Vladimír MUDr. DrSc  
Reader Tecan infinity M200 2007 13 DAII 112 Luminescence, Fluorescence (top reading), UV-absorbance (UV-VIS) plate-reader with injectors  Mráček Tomáš, RNDr. PhD  
Reader Victor X4 2011 14 D 121 Luminescence, Fluorescence Intensity (both top and bottom reading), UV-absorbance (UV-VIS) and Time-Resolved Fluorescence technologies Doležal Vladimír MUDr. DrSc  
Reader Synergy HT 2008 16 D 324 single-channel absorbance, fluorescence (400/30, 460/40, 485/20, 508/20, 516/20, 528/20, 560/15, 590/20) and luminiscence microplate reader. Zimmermannová Olga Ing. PhD