The IDEA second study published in 2017 80% Reduction of Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Analysis of Czech Energy Industry Development Until 2050 was published just as the Czech Governement was planing to discuss anti-fossil law.
Upcoming Events
Forthcoming seminar "The economy of girls and ladies: the impact of motherhood on tax, pension and division of house work", Prague, March 2, 2017
Study "Why European women have a few babies"
The first two IDEA studies this year are both focusing on environmental issues from the economic point of view. The first IDEA study is Survey of preferences of people for climante change policies: Do Czechs, Polish and British respondents support policy implementation?
Municipalities in the Czech Republic manage 23.9% of the total public expenditure (approximately 10% of the GDP), with approximately half of these funds redistributed through public procurement. This is a very significant amount of public resources that should be given due attention.
Daniel Münich spoke about current unemployment in the Czech Republic in an interview for the English section of the Czech Radio (October 2015)
Jan Švejnar wrote an article about wealth inequality and economic growth (Jun 5, 2015)
IDEA and Konrad Adenauer Stiftung cooperated on a fiscal seminar (Dec 11, 2014)
Vilém Semerák participated in a forum organized by Zlatá Koruna on the topic of Competitiveness (Dec 04, 2014)
IDEA is proud to announce that Jan Švejnar, the founder and the director of IDEA, won the 2015 IZA Prize for labor economics. The press release is available here.