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- Oborová publikační výkonnost výzkumných pracovišť v ČR
- Speciální akce: 2016 OECD Survey on the Czech Republic
- Public lecture: The Overeducation Crisis in the Middle East
- Konference "Celoživotní ekonomické dopady mateřství"
- Public lecture: The Knowledge Capital of Nations
- Podpora rodin s dětmi prostřednictvím daňově dávkového systému
- Dopad daní a dávek na příjmovou nerovnost a relativní chudobu v ČR
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Public lecture: The Overeducation Crisis in the Middle East
May 25, 2016, Key note speaker: Prof. Nader Habibi, The Henry J. Leir Professor of Economics of the Middle East at Brandeis University´s Crown Center for middle East Studies.
The key note speaker presented some facts about the increasing number of university students in the middle east and at the same time the increasing numbers of graduates.
The Middle Eastern countries have experienced a sharp increase in university enrollment since 2000 and the share of young adults who enter the job market with a university degree has increased accordingly. Unfortunately, the labor market demand for university skills has not kept pace with this sharp increase in supply. We also observe an increase in underemployment among university educated workers (accepting part-time work or jobs that do not utilize the university skills of an employee). In this presentation I will report the findings of my empirical research on this issue in Egypt, Iran and Turkey. In addition to presenting a statistical overview of the overeducation crisis in each country I look at the political and institutional factors that have led to the rapid quantitative growth of higher education in these countries.
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