Saturday, 4 03 2017

Last update03.03 14:46

Discrimination at Work and Importance of Work, Partnership Relationship and Cultural and Social Enjoyment in the Overall Contentment of Life

35.4 % of respondent according to their own words experienced discrimination at work. The most frequent reasons for the feeling of being disadvantaged were age (47.2 percentage points out of one hundred), education (38.6 percentage points out of one hundred) and sex (34.5 percentage points out of one hundred). Health condition was quoted as the reason for discrimination by less than 21 respondents out of a hundred and nationality or race by 2 respondents out of a hundred. Overall life contentment is greatly attributed to a partner relationship and family life for 89.3 % of respondents and to work and the way it is managed for 86.1 %. Cultural and social life, including friends, hobbies, and public activities, is seen by respondents as a little less important (84.8 %).


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