Joëlle Goüy de Bellocq, Ph.D.
Pozice: vědecký pracovník grantový
Zaměření: molekulární epidemiologie
Oddělení: Detašované pracoviště Studenec
Telefon: +420 560 590 613
E-mail: Joelle.GouydeBellocq
Výzkumné směry
- host-parasit interaction,
- parasite genomics in the European house mouse hybrid zone,
- emerging infectious diseases: arenaviruses, hantaviruses, Bartonella,
- immunogenetics, major histocompatibility complex (MHC), immunoecology.
Řešené projekty
Hybridní zóny: přírodní laboratoře pro studium vzniku patogenů
Ukončené projekty
Biogeografie a evoluční historie dvou RNA virů v Africe
Rekombinační schopnost virů k prolomení druhové bariéry a obranných mechanismů hostitele: myší cytomegalovirus v hybridní zóně myší domácích
- 1999: magisterské studium - University of Montpellier II France, Biology of Organisms and Populations, option Parasitology. Práce: Phylogeny of Trichostrongylina Nematodes.
- 2000-2003: doktorské studium - University of Perpignan, France. Ph.D. práce: Insularity and Parasitism: impacts in immune response investment and MHC genetic diversity in the woodmouse.
- 2003: kurz Animal experimentation - University of René Descartes, Paris V, France. Level I of animal experimentation (French equivalence of Home office licence for Animal experimentation).
- 2004-2005: Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Ramon Science Center, Israel. Projekt: Investment in immune defences and flea parasite pressure in desert rodents, (spoluřešitelé B.Krasnov, B.Pinshow) - Post-Doc.
- 2006: Centre de Biologie et de Gestion des Populations (CBGP), France. Projekt: Development of phylogeographic markers, (spoluřešitel J.Michaux) - krátkodobý kontrakt.
- Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Department of population biology Studenec, Czech Republic. Projekt: MHC diversity in the hybrid zone of Mus musculus, (spoluřešitelé J.Bryja and J.Piálek) - zahraniční stáž Post-Doc.
- 2006-2007: Research Institute of Wildlife Ecology of the University of Veterinary Medicine, Vienna, Austria. Projetc: Immune genes and endoparasites in brown hares, (řešitelé F.Suchentrunk and H.Schaschl) - Post-Doc.
- 2007-2014: University of Antwerp, Belgium, Department of Biology. Projetc: Evolutionary ecology of arenavirus-rodent interactions, (řešitel H.Leirs) - Post-Doc.
- 2011-present: Ústav biologie obratlovců, detašované pracoviště Studenec - vědecký pracovník.
Současní studenti
- Jana Těšíková: Murine cytomegalovirus (MCMV) in the European house mouse hybrid zone, (Ph.D. thesis).
Bývalí studenti
- Wasimuddin: Genetic variation of pathogens in the house mice hybrid zone (vedoucí J.Bryja, konzultanti J.Piálek, J.G.Bellocq).
2017Těšíková J., Bryjová A., Bryja J., Lavrenchenko L. A., Goüy de Bellocq J.: Hantavirus strains in East Africa related to Western African hantaviruses, Vector-Borne and Zoonotic Diseases (2017) .
2016Goüy de Bellocq J., Těšíková J., Meheretu Y., Čížková D., Bryjová A., Leirs H., Bryja J.: Complete genome characterisation and phylogenetic position of Tigray hantavirus from the Ethiopian white-footed mouse, Stenocephalemys albipes, Infection, Genetics and Evolution (2016) 242-245.
Gryseels S., Goüy de Bellocq J., Makundi R., Vanmechelen K., Broeckhove J., Mazoch V., Šumbera R., Zima Jr. J., Leirs H., Baird Stuart J. E.: Genetic distinction between contiguous urban and rural multimammate mice in Tanzania despite gene flow, Journal of Evolutionary Biology 29 (2016) 1952-1967.
Sabuni C. A., Van Houtte N., Gryseels S., Maganga S. L. S., Makundi R. H., Leirs H., Goüy de Bellocq J.: Genetic structure and diversity of the black and rufous sengiin Tanzanian coastal forests, Journal of Zoology 300 (2016) 305-313.
Wasimuddin W., Bryja J., Ribas A., Baird Stuart J. E., Piálek J., Goüy de Bellocq J.: Testing parasite "intimacy": the whipworm Trichuris muris in the European house mouse hybrid zone, Ecology and Evolution 6 (2016) 2688-2701.
2015Goüy de Bellocq J., Baird Stuart J. E., Albrechtová J., Sobeková K., Piálek J.: Murine cytomegalovirus is not restricted to the house mouse Mus musculus domesticus: prevalence and genetic diversity in the European house mouse hybrid zone, Journal of Virology 89 (2015) 406-414.
Gryseels S., Leirs H., Makundi R., Goüy de Bellocq J.: Polymorphism in vkorc1 Gene of Natal Multimammate Mice, Mastomys natalensis in Tanzania, Journal of Heredity 106 (2015) 637-643.
Gryseels S., Rieger T., Oestereich L., Cuypers B., Borremans B., Makundi R., Leirs H., Günther S., Goüy de Bellocq J.: Gairo virus, a novel arenavirus of the widespread Mastomys natalensis: Genetically divergent, but ecologically similar to Lassa and Morogoro viruses, Virology 476 (2015) 249-256.
Kubelová M., Papoušek I., Bělohlávek T., Goüy de Bellocq J., Baird Stuart J. E., Široký P.: Spotted fever group rickettsiae detected in immature stages of ticks parasitizing on Iberian endemic lizard Lacerta schreiberi Bedriaga, 1878, Ticks and Tick-borne Diseases 6 (2015) 711-714.
Sabuni C. A., Van Houtte N., Maganga S. L. S., Makundi R. H., Leirs H., Goüy de Bellocq J.: Development of eight polymorphic microsatellite markers in the Black and Rufous sengi, Rhynchocyon petersi, Conservation genetics resources 7 (2015) 193-195.
2014Dlugosz E. M., Goüy de Bellocq J., Khokhlova I. S., Degen A. A., Pinshow B., Krasnov B. R.: Age at weaning, immunocompetence and ectoparasite performance in a precocial desert rodent, Journal of Experimental Biology 217 (2014) 3078-3084.
2012Baird Stuart J. E., Ribas A., Macholán M., Albrecht T., Piálek J., Goüy de Bellocq J.: Where are the wormy mice? A re-examination of hybrid parasitism in the European house mouse hybrid zone, Evolution 66 (2012) 2757-2772.
Bordes F., Ponlet N., Goüy de Bellocq J., Ribas A., Krasnov B. R., Morand S.: Is there sex-biased resistance and tolerance in Mediterranean wood mouse (Apodemus sylvaticus) populations facing multiple helminth infections?, Oecologia 170 (2012) 123-135.
Meheretu Y., Čížková D., Těšíková J., Welegerima K., Tomas Z., Kidane D., Girmay K., Schmidt-Chanasit J., Bryja J., Günther S., Bryjová A., Leirs H., Goüy de Bellocq J.: High diversity of RNA viruses in rodents, Ethiopia, Emerging Infectious Diseases 18 (2012) 2047-2050.
Ribas A., Makundi R. H., Goüy de Bellocq J.: Paraconcinnum leirsi n.sp. (Trematoda: Dicrocoeliidae) from rodents in Tanzania and its phylogenetic position within the dicrocoeliids, African Zoology 47 (2012) 326-331.
Wasimuddin W., Čížková D., Ribas A., Piálek J., Goüy de Bellocq J., Bryja J.: Development and characterization of multiplex panels of microsatellite markers for Syphacia obvelata, a parasite of the house mouse (Mus musculus), using a high throughput DNA sequencing approach, Molecular and Biochemical Parasitology 185 (2012) 154-156.