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Project: Studium slunečního větru a jeho interakce se Zemskou magnetosférou na družicích
The solar wind is a hot outflow of charged particles of the Sun’s origin filling the interplanetary (IP) media. This project aims to extent comprehension of several phenomena in the solar wind using data obtained by the ACE, Cluster, THEMIS, and Wind missions. First, we plan to develop an automated algorithm for IP shock detection that will be implemented on-board the future Solar Orbiter spacecraft. This algorithm will be tested on the ACE and Wind data and will be used for a comparative study of occurrence rates and properties of IP shocks during recent two solar minima. Second, we will investigate an interaction of solar wind transient structures with a terrestrial bow shock (BS) using multi-spacecraft missions. Consecutive multiple BS crossings occurring along the spacecraft trajectory enable us to study BS dynamics together with variations of standoff distances depending on the upstream conditions. Third, we plan to study solar wind turbulent spectrum of the magnetic field from MHD to electron scales. Its better understanding may clarify the role of dissipation in space plasmas.
Funded by: GA ČR. GP13-37174P
Duration: 2013-2015
Investigator: Krupařová, O.
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