

Mgr. Vodička Petr, PhD.

Profession:vedoucí laboratoře
Telephone: +420 315 639 547
Mobile phone:
Department: Laboratory of Applied Proteome Analyses
Building: Liběchov/
Institutional service phone: 247

Curriculum vitae:

1994 - 1999

master studies at Faculty of Sciences, Masaryk University, Brno

2001 - dosud

researcher, Laboratory of Cell Regeneration and Plasticity, IAPG AS CR, Libechov

2001 - 2007

PhD studies of developmental biology at Faculty of Science, Charles University, Prague

PhD thesis: The minipig as animal model in biomedical stem cell research


The use of porcine tissue specific stem cells (neural and mesenchymal stem cells) for cell therapies of CNS disorders. Preparation of porcine iPS cells and creation of porcine transgenic model of Huntington’s disease.



Biodegradable hydrophilic materials for soft tissue regeneration, co-investigator, 2008-2010, GAAV KJB400500801


Dedifferentiation of the pig fetal and adult stem cells with lentiviral vectors for specific transcription factors. Support of the international cooperation project, AS CR M200450971



EHDN (European Huntington´s Disease Network)

Internship abroad:

Feb-Mar 2003

Takashi Nagai’s lab, Embryonic Technology Laboratory, National Institute of Agrobiological Sciences, Tsukuba, Japan, pig oocyte and embryo micromanipulation, SCNT

Sept-Oct 2004

Ouredniks lab, Iowa State University, Ames, USA, histology of porcine CNS

Aug 2007

Marian DiFiglia’s lab, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, USA, CNS histology, immunodetection of huntingtin in brain tissue

Sep-Dec 2009

Tom Burdon’s lab, Roslin Institute, Scotland, UK, preparation of porcine iPS cells



Devine, Michael J.; Ryten, Mina; Vodicka, Petr; Thomson, Alison J.; Burdon, Tom; Houlden, Henry; Cavaleri, Fatima; Nagano, Masumi; Drummond, Nicola J.; Taanman, Jan-Willem; Schapira, Anthony H.; Gwinn, Katrina; Hardy, John; Lewis, Patrick A., and Kunath, Tilo. (2011) Parkinson's disease induced pluripotent stem cells with triplication of the +α-synuclein locus. Nature Communications [10.1038/ncomms1453] ; (2) 440.



Kepkova KV, Vodicka P, Toralova T, Lopatarova M, Cech S, Dolezel R, Havlicek V, Besenfelder U, Kuzmany A, Sirard MA, Laurincik J, Kanka J.  (2011) Transcriptomic analysis of in vivo and in vitro produced bovine embryos revealed a developmental change in cullin 1 expression during maternal-to-embryonic transition. Theriogenology; Jun;75(9):1582-95.


Usvald D, Vodicka P, Hlucilova J, Prochazka R, Motlik J, Strnadel J, Kucharova K, Johe K, Marsala S, Scadeng M, Kakinohana O, Navarro R, Santa M, Hefferan MP, Yaksh TL, Marsala M. (2010) Analysis of dosing regimen and reproducibility of intraspinal grafting of human spinal stem cells in immunosuppressed minipigs. Cell Transplant.; 19(9):1103-22


Studenovská H, Vodička P, Proks V, Hlučilová J, Motlík J, Rypáček F. (2010) Synthetic poly(amino acid) hydrogels with incorporated cell-adhesion peptides for tissue engineering. J Tissue Eng Regen Med.; Aug;4(6):454-63



Skalnikova H, Vodicka P, Pelech S, Motlik J, Gadher SJ, Kovarova H. (2008) Protein signaling pathways in differentiation of neural stem cells. Proteomics. Nov; 8(21):4547-59.


Skalnikova H, Vodicka P, Gadher SJ, Kovarova H. (2008) Proteomics of neural stem cells. Expert Rev Proteomics. Apr;5(2):175-86.


Vodicka P, Hlucilova J, Klima J, Prochazka R, Ourednik J, Ourednik V, Motlik J. (2008) The minipig as animal model in biomedical stem cell research. 241-248. Source Book of Models for Biomedical Research, Ed.: P. Michael Conn, Humana Press.


Skalnikova H, Halada P, Vodicka P, Motlik J, Rehulka P, Hørning O, Chmelik J, Jensen ON, and Kovarova H. (2007) A proteomic approach to studying the differentiation of neural stem cells. Proteomics. Jun;7(11):1825-38.


Vodicka P, Skalnikova H, Kovarova H. (2006) The characterization of stem cell proteomes. Curr Opin Mol Ther. Jun;8(3):232-9.


Vodicka P, Smetana K Jr, Dvorankova B, Emerick T, Xu YZ, Ourednik J, Ourednik V, Motlik J. (2005) The miniature pig as an animal model in biomedical research. Ann N Y Acad Sci. May;1049:161-71.


Prochazka R, Vodicka P, Zudova D, Rybar R, Motlik J. (2004) Development of in vivo derived diploid and tetraploid pig embryos in a modified medium NCSU 37. Theriogenology. Jul;62(1-2):155-64.


Pavlok A, Kanka J, Motlik J, Vodicka P. (2000) Culture of bovine oocytes from small antral follicles in meiosis-inhibiting medium with butyrolactone I: RNA synthesis, nucleolar morphology and meiotic kompetence. Anim Reprod Sci. Dec 1;64(1-2):1-11.


Vodicka P, Sevcíková S, Smardová J, Soucek K, Smarda J. (2000) The effects of RAR alpha and RXR alpha proteins on growth, viability, and differentiation of v-MYB-transformed monoblasts. Blood Cells Mol Dis. Aug;26(4):395-406.


Smarda J, Zemanova K, Bryja J, Smardova J, Kozubik A, Hofmanova J, Nemajerova A, Sevcikova S, Kohoutek J, Vodicka P. (1999) Retinoid X receptor suppresses transformation by the v-myb oncogene. J Leukoc Biol. Dec;66(6):1039-48.

 A Transgenic Minipig Model of Huntingto's Disease





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