Galileo Galilei, Hvězdný posel a Johannes Kepler, Rozprava s Hvězdným poslem

Alena Hadravová, Petr Hadrava

In 1610, Galileo Galilei published his treatise Starry messenger, in which he described for the first time telescopic observations of the sky and announced discovery of Jupiter moons. He sent one copy to Johannes Kepler, who replied by an extensive letter published later as Dissertation with Galileo´s Stary Messenger. The present publication brings the first Czech commented translation of these important texts.

Alena Hadravová – Petr Hadrava: Galileo Galilei, Hvězdný posel a Johannes Kepler, Rozprava s Hvězdným poslem. Příbram: Pistorius a Olšanská 2016. 207 s. ISBN 978-80-87855-38-6.

Galileo Galilei, Hvězdný posel a Johannes Kepler, Rozprava s Hvězdným poslem

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