The group is also involved in the international AIRFLY (AIR FLuorescence Yield) project. The goal of the AIRFLY experiment is to measure a crucial parameter for atmospheric shower (energy) reconstruction - a fluorescence yield in the air. The measurements are performed in Frascati (Italy), Argonne (USA) and at Fermilab (USA) in gas chambers with controlled thermodynamic conditions. The aim is to measure the yield as a function of atmospheric conditions (temperature, humidity and pressure) as well as to precisely determine the fluorescence spectrum.
The group contribution covers the design and the construction of the experimental setup in the beam of charged particles as well as data taking and analysis.
Important results:
Measurement of the pressure dependence of air fluorescence emission induced by electrons.
By AIRFLY Collaboration (M. Ave et al.). Mar 2007. 35pp.
Published in Astropart.Phys.28:41,2007. e-Print: astro-ph/0703132 Link