PhDr. Kamil Boldan (National Library of the Czech Republic, Prague)
PhDr. Pavel Brodský, CSc. et DSc. (Masaryk Institute and Archives of the CAS, Prague)
prof. PhDr. Ivan Hlaváček, CSc. (Faculty of Arts, Charles University, Prague)
prof. David Holeton, Th.D. (Hussite Theological Faculty, Charles University, Prague)
PhDr. Marta Hradilová, Ph.D. (Masaryk Institute and Archives of the CAS, Prague)
prof. dr. hab. Wojciech Iwańczak (Uniwersytet Humanistyczno – Przyrodniczy Jana Kochanowskiego w Kielcach, Poland)
Mgr. Jan Pařez, Ph.D. (Strahov Library, Prague)
prof. PhDr. Hana Pátková, Ph.D. (Faculty of Arts, Charles University, Prague)
PhDr. Jaroslava Pečírková, CSc. (Prague)
Mgr. Stanislav Petr (Masaryk Institute and Archives of the CAS, Prague)
prof. PhDr. Pavel Spunar, CSc. (Institute of Philosophy of the CAS – Institute for Classical Studies, Prague)
doc. PhDr. Juraj Šedivý, MAS, PhD. (Comenius University, Bratislava)
prof. PhDr. František Šmahel, DrSc. (Institute of Philosophy of the CAS – Centre for Medieval Studies, Prague)
doc. PhDr. Marie Ryantová, CSc. (Faculty of Philosophy, University of South Bohemia, České Budějovice)
Mgr. Marta Vaculínová, Ph.D. (National Museum Library, Prague)
doc. PhDr. Hana Vlhová-Wörner, Ph.D. (Bangor University, UK)
Editor-in-chief: prof. PhDr. Ivan Hlaváček, CSc.
Managing Editor: PhDr. Marta Hradilová, Ph.D.
Editorial Adress:
Masarykův ústav a Archiv AV ČR, v. v. i.
Studie o rukopisech
Na Florenci 3
110 00 Praha 1
Czech Republic
tel.: +420 234 612 215
e-mail: hradilova@mua.cas.cz