Fyzikální ústav Akademie věd ČR

Division seminars

Minulé semináře

Jiří Mareš K- and eta mesons in atomic nuclei 19.03.2015 14:00
Dr. Deepak Kar All about partonic showers 19.02.2015 14:00
Dr. Barbara Trzeciak Heavy flavor era at RHIC 05.02.2015 14:00
Prof. Marc Henneaux Three-dimensional gravity: a superb theoretical laboratory 03.12.2014 14:00
Miroslav Havránek Sensors and electronics for the upgrade of pixel detector in the experiment ATLAS 30.10.2014 14:00
Miloš V. Lokajíček Elastic scattering of protons and validity of the optical theorem in strong interactions 16.10.2014 14:00
Richard Lednický Joint Institute for Nuclear Research in Dubna: past, presence and future 13.10.2014 14:00
Roman Pasechnik Vector - like Technicolor at the LHC 28.04.2014 14:00
Gregorio Bernardi Recent Results from the Tevatron 23.04.2014 10:00
Pavel Cejnar Chaos in collective nuclear dynamics 03.04.2014 14:00

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