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Fyzikální ústav Akademie věd ČR

Ph.D. student from the Institute of Physics won Best Poster Award at the international MSE 2016 congress

Karel Tesař won Best Poster Award at the Materials Science and Engineering 2016 Congress (MSE), which took place in Darmstadt, Germany. MSE congress is organized by the German Materials Society (DGM) every two years. In 2016, two U.S. societies - Materials Research Society (MRS) and the Minerals, Metals and Materials Society (TMS) - had been involved in the concept and design of the congress. MSE 2016 consisted of 590 lectures and 240 posters and the final number of participants surpassed 1300. Karel Tesař with his poster Enhanced bending plasticity induced by twinning-detwinning in thin Mg wires prepared by single-step direct extrusion, succeeded in a symposium dedicated to structural materials, where 58 posters were presented. He was also asked to give an interview for the congress Newsletter. Karel Tesař works under supervision of Dr. Aleš Jäger on the production and characterization of very thin pure magnesium wires (<250 µm) which are supposed to be used for biodegradable medical applications. The poster explained the exceptional bending plasticity of these wires by the reversible twinning mechanism.

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