
14 Mar 2017

Akademie věd ČR pořádá od 13. do 17. března 2017 cyklus přednášek o nejnovějších objevech a trendech ve výzkumu mozku a neurovědách.

Součástí doprovodného programu je výstava "Mozek v akci" od National Geographic Channel. Mgr. Filip Dechtěrenko komentoval v České televizi některé vystavené optické klamy. Podrobnější informace o programu Týdne mozku lze najít na webu.

7 Mar 2017

Výzkum pracovníků ústavu představen na webu Psychonomic Society

V loňském roce pracovníci Psychologického ústavu uveřejnili článek, který se zabýval otázkou predikce a zpoždění u očních pohybů při sledování pohybujících se objektů. S obsahem výzkumu se můžete seznámit formou krátkého video-abstraktu na YouTube.

1 Mar 2017

Československá psychologie slaví 60. výročí své existence a první letošní číslo

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15 Feb 2017

Zveme Vás na přednášku doc. Mgr. Radovana Šikla Ph.D. o zrakových klamech

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More news

Social Processes and Personality 2009

Book of abstracts available for download: Book of abstracts - SPO 2009


Dear colleagues,

We would like to invite you to the 12th. annual conference on the "Social Processes and Personality", organized from 16 to 18 September 2009 by the Institute of Psychology of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Institute of Psychology at the Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University, Institute of Experimental Psychology of the Slovak Academy of Sciences (SAS), Bratislava, and Institute of Social Science of SAS, Košice.

The topic chosen for the conference this year will focus on ´Humans on their way through life: risks, challenges, opportunities´. The conference also welcomes all papers concerned with basic and applied research in the fields of social psychology and psychology of personality.


Important information

The deadline for applications is 30 June 2009. Participants will receive details of the conference programme and time schedule 2 weeks before its beginning.


Papers can be presented either as a lecture (15 minutes) or a poster (board size 1.5 x 1 m).


The conference programme will again include the student section (designed for students of the doctoral and pre-graduate study programmes) and a section of papers presented in English. As an innovation, a section discussing clinical research will be introduced this year. This is in response to the current development when an increasing number of subjects of psychological research are studied from an interdisciplinary perspective, and at the same time we consider the clinical experience as one of the main sources of data in psychology.


Conference papers are traditionally published in the proceedings. For this purpose, please bring the text of your lecture (poster) with you, ideally in the Word text editor. A maximum length of text (including references) is limited to 10 pages. For the research announcements, please structure the text according to regular standards for journal publications. Please add a name, abstract and key words in English to your papers. You will find requirements concerning the formal arrangement of your papers here.

Venue and time schedule

The conference will be held on the premises of the Congress Centre of the Academy of Sciences of CR at ´Trest Mansion Hotel´ Zamecky hotel Trest. The conference starts on Wednesday 16 September 2009 at 2 p.m. and ends on Friday 18 September 2009 at noon. Participants will receive a detailed time schedule 2 weeks before the conference start at the latest.


Accommodation is arranged right on Zámecký hotel Třešť premises. Its whole accommodation capacity (111 beds) has been preliminarily booked. Participants are kindly requested to make their bookings as soon as possible at Please fill in Participant of Social Processes and Personality Conference within Note. Rates in the enclosed price list apply for conference participants.


A bus from Brno straight to Třešť and back will be available for conference participants at a special fare of CZK 50,- per one way. The bus for Třešť will go on the conference opening day (Wednesday 16 September 2009) in the morning and then back to Brno on the conference final day (Friday 18 September 2009) in the afternoon. The exact departure times will be specified for all the registered participants 2 weeks before the conference at the latest.
Please find other connections e.g. at


The conference fee is CZK 900,- and will be paid at registration (conference fee of CZK 350 for students of Master’s degree and full-time doctoral study programmes). A social evening for conference participants will take place on Thursday 17 September. An estimated fee of CZK 500,- will be later specified.


The deadline for applications is 30 June 2009. Please use the Internet form for registration. Below is the address for sending applications by post – write "KONFERENCE" on the envelope:

Institute of Psychology, p.r.i.
Academy of Sciences
Veverí 97, 602 00 Brno


On behalf of conference organizers,

podpis Marek Blatny
Prof. PhDr. Marek Blatný, CSc.

Brno, 4th April, 2009


Organization comitee

Mgr. Veronika Sobotková
(tel.: +420 532290284, e-mail: )

Prof. PhDr. Marek Blatny, CSc.

PhDr. Martin Jelinek, Ph.D.

PhDr. Petr Kveton, Ph.D.

PhDr. Dalibor Voboril, Ph.D.