Call for Papers: Baroque Parish Churches and Their Decoration

Call for Papers: Baroque Parish Churches and Their Decoration

The "Baroque Ceiling Painting in Central Europe" (BCPCE), the Institute of History of Art and Musicology of the Austrian Academy of Sciences and the IAH CAS together with the Hradec Králové Region and the Omnium Association organise an international conference "Baroque Parish Churches and Their Decoration: A New Field of Research". The conference will be held in Vienna on 23–25 October 2017. We invite those interested in the topic to send their proposals until 30 April 2017.

Attached file: CFP_Parish_Churches_Vienna_2017_16.pdf

„Baroque Parish Churches and Their Decoration: A New Field of Research / Die barocken Pfarrkirchen und ihre Dekoration: Ein neues Feld der Forschung“


Herbert Karner (IKM ÖAW,

Martin Mádl (IAH CAS,

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