The Academy of Sciences of the Czech rebublic - ASCR


Finančně-administrativní manažer projektů
Popis práce:
  • Sledování relevantních grantových soutěží včetně programu OP VVV, harmonogramů výzev, termínů předkládání projektů a podmínek účasti.
  • Spolupráce s vedoucími vědeckých oddělení a řešiteli projektů při sestavování realizačních týmu pro konkrétní projekty a stanovování jejich finanční náročnosti.
  • Nastavení a aktualizace rozpočtů projektů, předávání mzdových podkladů a průběžný dohled nad čerpáním rozpočtu projektů.
  • Sledování termínů pro předkládání průběžných a závěrečných zpráv, příprava potřebných ekonomických podkladů, popř. administrativní zajištění oponentur projektů.
  • Kontrola formální správnosti a ekonomických údajů předkládaných projektů a zpráv před jejich odesláním.
  • Příprava podkladů a poskytování součinnosti při auditech a kontrolách projektů, a další činnosti související s administrativní a ekonomickou stránkou projektů.
Kvalifikační požadavky:
  • VŠ vzdělání ekonomického směru, znalost anglického jazyka slovem i písmem, schopnost číst s porozuměním anglicky psané texty s právnickým a ekonomickým obsahem. Počítačová gramotnost, zejména schopnost efektivního používání kancelářských aplikací.
  • Jedná se o pozici v pracovním poměru na plný úvazek, v případě studentů vyšších ročníků magisterského studia lze dohodnout i částečný úvazek.  

Písemné přihlášky se strukturovaným životopisem zasílejte do 30. 4. 2017 emailem na adresu ústavu



PALS doctoral / postdoc position:  Physics of high-power iodine laser system 


The candidate is supposed to work predominantly on the following topics:
  • Alignment of the iodine laser beamline
  • Determining and optimizing output pulse parameters (energy, pulse width, contrast, etc.)
  • Participation in interaction experiments at high-power laser system PALS
  • Measuring the PALS beam wavefront by means of the wavefront sensor
  • Improvement of the wavefront using adaptive optics
  • Modeling of the beam parameters in ZEMAX software or GLAD code
  • Master degree or PhD in optics, laser physics or related field
  • Experienced in laser beam alignment and diagnostics
  • Experienced in simulation in ZEMAX software or GLAD code
  • Experienced in programming in C++ is a plus (but not mandatory)
  • Good knowledge of spoken and written English
  • Expected feeling as a team player
Job conditions:
  • The opportunity to participate in unique scientific projects
  • Collaboration with a strongly motivated scientific team
  • Career growth, professional education
  • Competitive and motivating salary
  • 5 week holidays and other employee benefits
 Applications containing CV, cover letter, contacts of references, and any other material the candidate considers relevant, should be sent to Dr. Jan Dostál, Laser Plasma Department, Institute of Plasma Physics, Czech Academy of Science, Za Slovankou 3, 182 00 Prague 8, Czech Republic;
PALS postdoc position: Secondary charged particle beams at the PALS facility
The candidate is supposed to work predominantly on the following topics:
  • Performing experimental campaigns at the PALS facility
  • Diagnostics and instrumentation for characterization of charged particle emission
  • Laser wakefield acceleration of electron beams
  • Laser driven acceleration of proton and ion beams
  • Probing dense plasmas by fast charged particles
  • Data analysis
  • PhD in plasma physics, particle physics, accelerator physics
  • Experience in particle diagnostics, beam instrumentation, and particle detectors
  • Skills in data analysis and high-power-laser science and technology represent a plus (but not mandatory) 
  • Good knowledge of spoken and written English
Job conditions:
  • The opportunity to participate in unique scientific projects
  • Collaboration with a strongly motivated scientific team
  • Career growth, professional education
  • Competitive and motivating salary
  • 5 week holidays and other employee benefits
Applications containing CV, cover letter, contacts of references, and any other material the candidate considers relevant, should be sent to Dr. Miroslav Krůs, Laser Plasma Department, Institute of Plasma Physics, Czech Academy of Science, Za Slovankou 3, 182 00 Prague 8, Czech Republic;


PALS postdoc position: Laser-plasma chemistry
The candidate is supposed to work predominantly on the following topics:
  • Laser induced dielectric breakdown (LIDB) in gases: from laser sparks to plasma filaments
  • Diagnostics of plasmas formed in gases, liquids (i.e., laser cavitation) and heterogeneous systems by focused high-power laser beams
  • Analysis of chemical consequences of LIDB and related phenomena: laboratory simulation of high-energy-density events related to the origins of life
  • Investigating the relationship between physical characteristics and chemical changes in laser-produced plasmas 
  • Collaboration with theorists modelling the chemical change in various laser-plasma-chemical systems
  • PhD in physical chemistry, chemical physics, plasma physics, plasma chemistry, astrobiology or related field
  • Experience in plasma diagnostics, laser-plasma interaction and/or plasma chemistry
  • Skills in high-power-laser science and technology represent a plus (but not mandatory) 
  • Good knowledge of spoken and written English
Job conditions:
  • The opportunity to participate in unique scientific projects
  • Collaboration with a strongly motivated scientific team
  • Career growth, professional education
  • Competitive and motivating salary
  • 5 week holidays and other employee benefits
Applications containing CV, cover letter, contacts of references, and any other material the candidate considers relevant, should be sent to Dr. Libor Juha, Laser Plasma Department, Institute of Plasma Physics, Czech Academy of Science, Za Slovankou 3, 182 00 Prague 8, Czech Republic;



PALS postdoc position: X-ray optics and spectroscopy for plasma diagnostics

The candidate is supposed to work predominantly on the following topics:
  • X-ray diagnosis of high-power laser-matter interaction
  • Development and implementation of advanced spectroscopic and imaging schemes
  • Participation in interaction experiments at high-power laser system PALS
  • Computational evaluation of extended sets of experimental data
  • Modeling of the laser-matter interaction based on computer codes
  • PhD in physics or related field
  • Excellent computational skills needed for application of simulation tools (physical optics, plasma hydrodynamics, atomic and PIC codes)
  • Experience in X-ray physics and instrumentation is a plus (but not mandatory)
  • Good knowledge of spoken and written English
Job conditions:
  • The opportunity to participate in unique scientific projects
  • Collaboration with a strongly motivated scientific team
  • Career growth, professional education
  • Competitive and motivating salary
  • 5 week holidays and other employee benefits
Applications containing CV, cover letter, contacts of references, and any other material the candidate considers relevant, should be sent to Dr. Libor Juha, Laser Plasma Department, Institute of Plasma Physics, Czech Academy of Science, Za Slovankou 3, 182 00 Prague 8, Czech Republic;