The Academy of Sciences of the Czech rebublic - ASCR

"JOREK General Meeting 2017" was held at IPP

On March 20 - 24, 2017, the international meeting "JOREK General Meeting 2017" was held at IPP in Prague.


The meeting represented the useful discussions with the fusion scientists and the mathematicians from all around Europe who work on the JOREK code. The non-linear extended MHD code JOREK resolves realistic toroidal X-point geometries with a C1 continuous flux-surface aligned grid including main plasma, scrape-off layer and divertor region. It is based on robust fully implicit numerics, and includes divertor boundary conditions, 3D resistive wall effects, two-fluid effects and neoclassical flows. The well established physics and numerics community around JOREK has strong connections to the relevant experiments (ITER Organization).


Strategie AV21 JOREK General Meeting 2017

Strategie AV21 JOREK General Meeting 2017

Strategie AV21 JOREK General Meeting 2017

Strategie AV21 JOREK General Meeting 2017





























Photos: IPP.

20 Mar 2017