Projects |
Profession: | odborný pracovník |
E-mail: | |
Department: | Laboratory of Fish Genetics |
Building: | Ostrava/ |
Curriculum vitae2014–present: University of Ostrava, Faculty of Science, postgradual study (field: Biology) Thesis: Evolution of asexuality in space and time on the example of European loaches of genus Cobitis. 2012–2014: University of Ostrava, Ostrava, Faculty of Science, master's degree study (field: Systematic biology and ecology) Thesis: The effect of gynogenetic sexual parasites on their sexual host populations: an alternative view on the paradox of sex. 2008–2012: University of Ostrava, Ostrava, Faculty of Science, bachelor's degree study (field: Systematic biology and ecology) Thesis: Game theory and its importance in modern biology. Specialization:My main interest is the evolution of asexual reproduction in European spined loaches. Aim of my PhD project is to study diversification and dispersal of clonal lineages of hybrid spined loaches through Europe using molecular and phylogeographic approaches. Publications:
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Liběchov Rumburská 89 277 21 Liběchov tel.: 315 639 532 fax: 315 639 510 |
Praha Vídeňská 1083 142 20 Praha 4-Krč tel.: 267 090 501 fax: 267 090 500 |
Brno Veveří 97 602 00 Brno 2 tel.: 532 290 136 fax: 541 212 988 |