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Czech repositories and digital libraries

Foreign repositories and digital libraries

  • ACM Digital Library
  • ArXiv.org - archive of full texts of scientific literature on physics, mathematics, and computer studies
  • Carolina Digital Repository – repository of digital texts (theses, conference papers, articles, etc.); project of the North Carolina at Chapel Hill
  • CiteSeerX - digital library of scientific literature on computer and information sciences
  • CogPrints - archive of full texts on psychology, neurology, linguistics, computer sciences, philosophy, and biology
  • DissOnline.de - German national repository of theses
  • eScholarship Repository- repository of scientific papers from the University of California
  • ECS Eprints Repository - repository of full texts of articles, research papers and graduate theses from the University of Southampton; it covers electronics, electrical engineering, computer sciences and IT
  • E-print Network - contains articles mainly on physics, engineering, energy, chemistry, biology, computer studies, etc
  • EThOSnet - Electronic Theses Online System - British system for open access to theses
  • Eurostat - access to the Eurostat data and publications
  • GEO Link Library - sustainable topic links - electronic library containing documents on environmental 
  • INTUTE - subject portals of the British Intute system
  • J-STAGE – Japan Science and Technology Information Electronic Aggregator  - portal of scientific journals run by the Japan Science and Technology Agency; some are available for free
  • NARCIS - free information system for science and research covering all Dutch university repositories
  • NASA Astrophysics Data System  – Digital Library for Physics and Astronomy
  • Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations (NDLTD) - digital library of theses and dissertations of co-operating universities
  • OpenAire – successor to the DRIVER portal for access to the contents of 295 repositories from 38 countries
  • OpenGrey (OpenSigle) - bibliographic database of (European) grey literature; includes preprints, research reports, dissertations, conference notes
  • ORBi – The University of Liège (Belgium) repository)
  • PROLA – Physical Review Online Archive – abstracts of journal articles published by the American Physical Society
  • TechXtra - digital library focusing on engineering and mathematics
  • THESA - French information system of dissertations from specialised universities
  • Theses Canada - Canadian information system of theses

Open access directories

  • DOAJ – directory of open access scientific journals; half of the journals can searched at the level of article titles
  • DOAR – full text search of the world"s repositories; you can search by research area, etc.
  • ROAR – directory of open access repositories Refers to the repository of theses and grey literature. Contains the largest institutional repositories