Department of Computional Methods

Topics of research

The department research is focused mainly on matrix computations and on problems of numerical linear algebra. The techniques and expertise include the development, analysis, and implementation of iterative methods for solving systems of linear algebraic equations and least squares problems. In particular, the members of the department focuse on the following topics:


  • Theory and analysis of Krylov subspace methods
  • Numerical stability of algorithms and their behavior in finite precision arithmetic
  • Preconditioning techniques
  • Implementation on parallel computer systems
  • Theory and analysis of Krylov subspace methods
  • Solving saddle point problems
  • Ill-posed problems and regularization techniques, noise detection


The main research projects are presented on stand-alone webpages. There one can find publications, presentations, applications, and activities related to the project. Here we presents three main projects in the last ten years, demonstrating continuity of research.

  • IMAPA (2013-2017), Iterative Methods in Computational Mathematics: Analysis, Preconditioning, and Applications. The project No. 13-06684S of the Grant Agency of the Czech Republic.
  • Krylov (2008-2012), Theory of Krylov subspace methods and its relationship to other mathematical disciplines. The project No. IAA100300802 of the Grant Agency of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic.
  • MSTeP (2004-2008), Modeling and simulation of complex technical problems: effective numerical algorithms and parallel implementation using new information technologies. The project No. 1ET400300415 of the Program of the Information Society of the Thematic Program II of the National Research Program of the Czech Republic.


Results, including publications, software, etc., can be found on homepages of members of the departments and on above mentioned project webpages.