
Jméno Krömer Matouš
Pozice Doktorand
Matouš Krömer

Matouš Krömer

Ph.D. Student

Hocek Research Team
Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry ASCR, v.v.i.
Flemingovo nám. 2, CZ-166 10 Prague 6, Czech Republic

☎: (+420) 220 183 344

since 2015 Ph.D. study under supervision of Prof. Dr. M.Hocek at the Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry ASCR, Prague.
since 2012 Student, General Medicine, 2nd Faculty of Medicine, Charles University in Prague.
2013-2015 M.Sc. in Organic Chemistry under supervision of rof. Dr. M. Hocek, Faculty of Science, Charles University in Prague.
2010-2013 B.Sc. in Chemistry in Natural Sciences under supervision of rof. Dr. M. Hocek, Faculty of Science, Charles University in Prague.