Lukáš Reitinger (Masaryk University, Brno), Royal insignia from the monastery Pegau and 'sacrificing crowns'
Piotr Węcowski (Institute of History, Warsaw University, Poland), The origins of Poland in the light of testimonies of witnesses at the Kingdom of Poland versus the Teutonic Knights trial in 1422-1423
Jiří Petrášek (Centre for Medieval studies, Prague), Erfurt reaction to the Táborite Manifesto from 1430
Martin Nejedlý (Charles University, Prague), „Comme il advint, en la cité de Pragues, une merveilleuse confusion entre religieux et demoiselles". Bohemicalia and Luxemburg passages by Georges Chastellain from 1455–1459 as a historiographic and methodological problem
Alena M. Černá (Institute of Czech Language, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Prague), Annals on the way to a chronicle: The beginning of the fictionalisation of an annalistic text