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Miroslav Klvana

Basic information

Miroslav KlvaòaIng. Miroslav Klvana CSc. (*1943)
Research fields: Magnetic and velocity fields in solar active regions and quiet photosphere (observations, interpretation, and modelling), instrumentation, data processing.

1966 - graduated in physics at the Technical University of Leningrad.
1978 - PhD in astrophysics.
1972 - first photoelectric measurements of solar magnetic and velocity fields in Ondrejov.
1985 - 1990 - development of the Ondrejov 2nd-generation scanning photoelectric magnetograph.
2006 - 2008 - Reconstruction of the spektroheliograph of the Coimbra University Astronomical Observatory (Portugal).
Since 1968 in the Solar Department of the Astronomical Institute.
Author and co-author of about 160 publications and author of 3 patents.


The list of publications with my authorship or co-authorship can be downloaded here.


Reconstruction of the telescopes HSFA1 and HSFA2 [PDF, 195 kB]

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