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19 May 09 - 3 Jan 25
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Ing. Jaromír Horáček, DrSc.

Phone +420 266 053 125 E-mail jaromirh@it.cas.cz Room M2303 Department Department D 3 - Dynamics and Vibrations Position Deputy Head of Department, Director for Research and Development of the Institute Research area aero-hydroelasticity, dynamics and stability of mechanical systems, interaction of oscillating bodies and fluid including vibroacoustics, biomechanics of human voice
Curriculum vitae
1970, Ing.  – Department of Materials, Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering, Czech Technical University
1970-1972 – researcher at Aircraft Research and Test Institute, Prague
since 1972 – Institute of Thermomechanics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
1977, CSc. – Mechanics of rigid and elastic bodies and environment, Institute of Thermomechanics, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences
1990, DrSc. – Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, technical sciences

Membership in Scientific Bodies:
  • Chair of the Czech National Committee of IFToMM
  • Chairperson of the Defence Commission of AS CR for Doctor of Science theses in Mechanics of Bodies, Constructions, Mechanisms and Environment
Membership in Editorial Boards:
  • Journal of Mechanical Engineering (Bratislava)
  • Engineering Mechanics (Brno)
  • Applied Computational Mechanics (Pilsen)
  • Mathematical Problems in Engineering (Hindawi)
View author's publications in the ASCR database
Selected publications
1. Tokuda, IT; Horacek, J; Svec, JG; Herzel, H. (2008). Bifurcations and chaos in register transitions of excised larynx experiments. Chaos 18 (1): art. no.-013102. DOI: 10.1063/1.2825295, citací: 1, IF: 2.188.

2. Sidlof, P; Svec, JG; Horacek, J; Vesely, J; Klepacek, I; Havlik, R. (2008). Geometry of human vocal folds and glottal channel for mathematical and biomechanical modeling of voice production. Journal of Biomechanics 41 (5): 985-995. DOI: 10.1016/j.jbiomech.2007.12.016 citací: 0, IF: 2.897.

3. Sváček, P., Feistauer, M., Horáček, J. (2007). Numerical simulation of flow induced airfoil vibrations with large amplitudes Journal of Fluids and Structures 23 (3), pp. 391-411. citací: 3, IF: 0.821.

4. Horacek, J; Sidlof, P; Svec, JG. (2005). Numerical simulation of self-oscillations of human vocal folds with Hertz model of impact forces. Journal of Fluids and Structures 20 (6): 853-869, DOI: 10.1016/j.jfluidstructs.2005.05.003, citací: 6, IF: 0.832.

5. Svec, JG; Horacek, J; Sram, F; Vesely, J. (2000). Resonance properties of the vocal folds: In vivo laryngoscopic investigation of the externally excited laryngeal vibrations. Journal of Acoustical Society of America 108 (4): 1397-1407. citací: 11, IF: 1.366
2016-2018 16-021246SComputational and experimental modelling of self-induced vibrations of vocal folds and influence of their impairments on human voice
2012-2015 GAP101/12/1306Biomechanické modelování tvorby lidského hlasu - cesta k umělým hlasivkám
2011-2015 GAP101/11/0207Coupled problems of fluid and solid mechanics - nonlinear aeroelasticity
2009-2010 OC09019Modelling of voice production based on biomechanics
2008-2010 GA101/08/1155Computer and physical modelling of vibroacoustic properties of human vocal tract for optimization of voice quality
2006-2009 IAA200760613Computer modelling of aeroelastic phenomena for real fluid flowing past vibrating airfoils particolarly after the loss of system stability
2005-2007 FT-TA/026T13 - Výzkum a vývoj analytických a experimentálních metod vyšetřování dynamických a aeroelastických vlastnostíletadlových konstrukcí
2004-2006 GA106/04/1025Modelování vibroakustických systémů se zaměřením na vokální trakt člověka
2004-2007 IAA2076401Matematické modelování kmitů lidských hlasivek
2002-2004 GA101/02/0391Numerical simulation and experimental research of aeroelasticity of aircrafts considering large displacements
1998-2003 GV106/98/K019Methods of mathematical-physical modelling of vibroacoustic systems in biomechnics of voice and hearing focused on the artifical replacements and prostheses
Continuum Dynamics (4th grade), Department of Materials, Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague

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