Saturday, 1 04 2017

Last update31.03 16:58

Ideas about the Best Age for Starting a Family and Actual Data

When comparing the actual data and the ideal there is a certain problem lying in the fact that while the survey covers respondents of all age categories over 15 years of age, people involved in reproduction are aged mostly between 20 to 35 years of age. Therefore, the opinions of the youngest respondents, in our case people under 30, are decisive. Compared with the other respondents, this group also partially differed in its opinions, when they more often consider 30 years or more to be the ideal age of newly-weds and mothers of the first child. In the near future, we may experience an occurrence of postponed births and getting nearer to the value of 1.5 children per mother, as it is in Western Europe and the total fertility will reach higher figures. The reality matched the ideals most in cases of the age of a mother of the first child.


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