Fyzikální ústav Akademie věd ČR

Konference a workshopy

Minulé konference a workshopy

Workshop / Mon, 15/10/2012 - 09:00 - Tue, 16/10/2012 - 09:00

This workshop will explain usage of the general purpose crystallographic program Jana2006 for refinement of magnetic structures from neutron powder or single crystal data. Jana2006 includes tools for determination of magnetic symmetry from the symmetry of diffraction pattern as well as tools for representation analysis. It can find direct relationship between magnetic space or superspace group and corresponding representation and use it in the refinement.

Workshop / Thu, 11/10/2012 - 09:00 - Fri, 12/10/2012 - 16:00

Workshop of European Research Group HETMAT supported by CNRS is coorganised by the Institute of Physics ASCR and Universite de Grenoble. It is focused on preparation of novel heterogeneous engineering materials with intentionally built in internal architecture, modelling and characterisation of their microstructure and mechanical properties as well as potential industrial applications.

Details on the workshop website.

Workshop / Wed, 26/09/2012 - 09:00 - Thu, 27/09/2012 - 18:00

Ad hoc workshops are small two days workshops organized by authors of the crystallographic software Jana2006. The topics and dates are selected by participants in Jana web pages. A workshop is organized as soon as an overlap in subscribed topics is found.

Conference / Mon, 03/09/2012 - Fri, 07/09/2012

22nd Joint Seminar Development of Materials Sience in Research and Education (DMSRE22) provides an ideal forum for the presentations and discussions of recent developments and achievements in all theoretical and experimental aspects of preparation processes, characterization and applications of materials in bulk, thin film, nano-crystalline and glassy states.

More details can be found in the conference web pages.

Conference / Sun, 01/07/2012 - Thu, 05/07/2012

The nc-AFM 2012 conference follows up a successful series of international conferences devoted to the latest progress in dynamical atomic force microscopy. The conference covers experimental, theoretical, and instrumental developments in frequency modulation and other dynamic operation modes with particular emphasis on aspects of high-resolution imaging and force spectroscopy. Following tradition, the conference will be opened by a satellite symposium that will be devoted to simultaneous force and current measurements using scanning probe technique.

Workshop / Thu, 03/05/2012 - 09:00 - Fri, 04/05/2012 - 18:00

Ad hoc workshops are small two days workshops organized by authors of the crystallographic software Jana2006. The topics and dates are selected by participants in Jana web pages. A workshop is organized as soon as an overlap in subscribed topics is found.

Workshop / Mon, 23/04/2012 - 08:00 - Fri, 27/04/2012 - 16:00

HEPiX meetings bring together IT system support engineers from the High Energy Physics (HEP) laboratories, institutes, and universities, such as BNL, CERN, DESY, FNAL, IN2P3, INFN, JLAB, NIKHEF, RAL, SLAC, TRIUMF and others.

Meetings have been held regularly since 1991, and are an excellent source of information for IT specialists in scientific high-performance and data-intensive computing disciplines. We welcome participation from related scientific domains for the cross-fertilization of ideas.

Workshop / Tue, 17/04/2012 - Fri, 20/04/2012

The details on the workshop Composites of Inorganic Nanotubes and Polymers and Management Committee Meeting in Prague can be found at http://palata.fzu.cz/coinapo2012/.

Workshop / Mon, 26/03/2012 - 09:00 - Tue, 27/03/2012 - 18:00

Ad hoc workshops are small two days workshops organized by authors of the crystallographic software Jana2006. The topics and dates are selected by participants in Jana web pages. A workshop is organized as soon as an overlap in subscribed topics is found.

Workshop / Tue, 06/12/2011 - 09:00 - Wed, 07/12/2011 - 18:00

Ad hoc workshops are small two days workshops organized by authors of the crystallographic software Jana2006. The topics and dates are selected by participants in Jana web pages. A workshop is organized as soon as an overlap in subscribed topics is found. The topics of the 10th workshop are as follows: (INT1) Simple 3d structures ; (INT2) Simple 4d modulated structures ; (PWD) Refinement from powder data ; (CHF) Charge flipping; (TW) Twinning. Detailní program je uveden na stránce workshopu.

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