Lyons, Pat, Lukáš Linek. 2007. „Tematické hlasování, vliv lídrů a stranictví ve volbách.“ Pp. 177-202 in Lebeda, Tomáš, Lukáš Linek, Pat Lyons, Klára Vlachová et al. Voliči a volby 2006. Praha: Sociologický ústav AV ČR, v.v.i. 234 s. ISBN 978-80-7330-126-2.
Text analyses factors which influenced the party choice in the 2006 Chamber of Deputies elections. The authors found out that for Czech voters the left-right ideological orientation is very important. Voters choose parties according to their position on various issues. This relationship between party choice and attitudes is strong mainly for those issues which load the left-right orientation. Party sympathy and leadership effects were even more stronger for party choice than issue voting.
Part of publication:
politics (and political attitudes)
elections (and polls)