In the last two decades, there have been major changes in the forms of private (partnership and family) life in the Czech Republic (CR). Several research projects focused on their patterns; we will add a life course perspective to perform their in-depth analysis. The aim is to explain the changes in partnership and family forms and identify problems and their causes in work-life balance in the contemporary CR in the view of life course. It will enable us to study private life and its combining with work life in terms of sequencing, timing, and meanings of life events in biographical, social, and historical times. Life course will be studied quantitatively (sequencing, timing) and qualitatively (meanings) with focus on the explanation of inter-generation differences and variations between socio-economically, demographically, culturally, regionally differentiated populations. The project will provide explanation of structurally and institutionally based diversification and of new norms on private life arrangements, combining of work and care, and of the resulting needs and risks.
Project publications (total 43, displaying 11 - 20)
The book deals with the development of politics of abortion in the Czech Republic since 1957. Based on the research of discourses and institutions of abortion it develops the aproach of discursive institutionalism. The politics of abortion are analysed as specific socialist governmentalities, existing during the communist regime.
The article offers a comparison of social policies and institutions of care for children younger three years in the Czech Republic and France. The explanation of the differences is found (among other things) in the different development of expert discourses. The discourse thus impacts strongly on the development of institutions.
The article offers a comparison of the development of institutions of care for children under the age of three in France and in the Czech Republic. It explains the differences in the forms of institutions, policies and the level of statesupport using a comparative analysis of the discourses of childcare that have existed in the two countries since the end of the Second World War.
In the Phenomenon of childlessness that was published in 2009 in the publishing house SLON the author answers two research questions: Which factors contribute to childlessness in Czech society? How childless men and women understand, define and experience their childlessness?
V tomto tematickém čísle představujeme odborné statě a další texty, které přistupují ke studiu životních drah a přechodových událostí z obou výzkumných perspektiv. Číslo otevírá stať Marty Vohlídalové a Hany Maříkové, které se za pomoci statistické analýzy historie událostí zabývají nestabilitou partnerských vztahů v ČR a identifikují faktory, které ji ovlivňují.
Klíčová slova: rodičovství, trh práce, gender
The author analyzes the institutionalization and impact of gender studies in the Czech Republic and contextualizes the post-1989 progress in gender studies in Czech society into the context of pre-1989 situation in social sciences and humanities and in the pre-1989 public discourse on women in Czechoslovakia.
Vážené čtenářky, vážení čtenáři,
V tomto čísle SOCIOwebu se zaměřujeme na
reflexi vybraných proměn životních drah a
přechodových událostí.
Based on the analysis of 30 childless men and 38 childless women older than 30 years of age the author analyzes the norms on parenthood.
The paper addresses the specific conditions of unskilled women, struggling to integrate their paid work and unpaid work in the Czech Republic. The analysis is based on three biographic interviews regarding the work trajectories of women whose highest level of education is vocational or lower. The employees with the lower levels of human and social capital occupy marginalized positions in the labour market.