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Studia Mediaevalia Bohemica 7/2015, number 2






  • Jiří Doležel (Archaeologic Institute, AV ČR, Brno), Convent Church of the Cistercian Abbey in Sedlec: the laying of the foundation stone by King Wenceslas II in 1304
  • Dušan Coufal (Centre for Medieval Studies, Prague), Disputes  about  Wyclif  and  his  45  Articles  (I):  the  Oxford  Testimonial and Štěpán of Dolany
  • Pavel Soukup (Centre for Medieval Studies, Prague), Some Texts from Prague Indulgence Scandal or, What Is New in 1412
  • Jan Hrdina (Prague City Archives) – Aleš Mudra (National Heritage Institute, Prague) – Marcela K. Perett (North Dakota State University), Re-use and Reinvent: The Function of Processions in Late Medieval and Early Modern Bohemia






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