Mgr. Ondřej Podavka Ph.D.
+420 234 612 312
Department of Neo-Latin Studies
postdoctoral fellow
Research focus
intellectual history, history of nobility, history of travelling in the early mondern period, ego-documents
2012 − 2017 doctoral studies, Faculty of Arts, Charles University, programm: Czech history, doctoral thesis: "Zdeněk Brtnický of Waldstein and His Diary from the Years 1597−1603", advisor: Martin Holý.
2006 − 2012 master studies, Faculty of Arts, Charles University, programm: History − Latin studies, diploma thesis: "Edice vybraných dopisů Bohuslava Balbína a Aloise Hackenschmidta s komentářem a úvodní studií", advisor: Martin Svatoš.
1998 − 2006 secondary education, "Gymnázium Opatov".
Employment history
since 07/2013: Centre for Classical Studies at the Institute of Philosophy of the Czech Academy of Sciences, (grant project Johann Peter Cerroni and historia litteraria of his age I., revision of authority entries of "Knihopis" database).
06/2012 – 06/2013: Centre for Classical Studies at the Institute of Philosophy of the Czech Academy of Sciences, (transcriptions of Johann Peter Cerroni's encyclopedia "Scriptores Regni Bohemiae", vol. II‒VIII).
07/2008 − 09/2013: revision of authority entries, retrocatalogization and ancillary works in various university libraries.
09/2011 − 12/2011: Karlštejn castle (guide).
2017‒2019: participation in the project "The Beginnings of the Modern Literary Criticism within Bohemian Lands 1770‒1805", Principal Investigator: Dalibor Dobiáš.
2016‒2018: participation in the project "Bohemian Brethren Nobility in Bohemia and Moravia. Formation of noblemenʼs confessional identity and its changes in the 1st half of the 17th century", 16-11332S, Principal Investigator: Jiří Just.
2012–2016: participation in the project "Johann Peter Cerroni and historia litteraria of his age I.", reg. č. GAČR P406/12/2254, Principal Investigator: Martin Svatoš.
Fellowships and research stays
March 2015: Rome (Czech Historical Institue in Rome, Vatican Library), research stay (3 weeks).
June 2014: Rome (Czech Historical Institue in Rome, Vatican Library), research stay (1 month).
June 2013: Vienna (Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, Österreichisches Staatsarchiv), research stay (1 week).
November 2013: Cieszyn (The Museum Library and Study Centre Silesia, Książnica Cieszyńska), research stay (1 week).
Conference papers and lectures in the Czech Republic
19. 11. 2015: Prague, The Instutute of History, Czech Academy of Sciences, conference An editor in a trap. Problems of edition of early moden mulitilingual texts – lecture A few notices on recent edition of L. J. Scherschnick's manuscripts.
19. 11. 2015: Prague, The Instutute of History, Czech Academy of Sciences, conference An editor in a trap. Problems of edition of early moden mulitilingual texts – lecture Critical edition of Johann Peter Cerroni's Scriptores regni Bohemiae (together with Martin Svatoš).
4. 11. 2015: Prague, Week of Science and Technology. Open day of Centre for Classical Studies - lecture Johann Peter Cerroni – scholar, collector, encyclopedist.
2. 4. 2015: Prague, Circle for the early modern history – lecture „Historia litteraria“ within Bohemian lands and encyclopedias of J. P. Cerroni (1753–1826).
21. 11. 2014: Praha, Learned Bohemia and Moravia and historia litteraria within Bohemian lands in 18. a at the beginning of 19. century – lecture Johann Peter Cerroni and his manuscripts on historia litteraria within Bohemian lands (together with Martinem Svatošem).
20. 11. 2014: Prague, Learned Bohemia and Moravia and historia litteraria within Bohemian lands in 18. a at the beginning of 19. century – lecture Leopold Jan Šeršník and his two encyclopedias of scholars.
26. 4. 2014: Klatovy, Baroque jesuit Klatovy 8 – lecture Mutual correspondence of Bohuslav Balbín and Alois Hackenschmidt from 1664–1667.
Current projects
Johann Peter Cerroni and historia litteraria of his age I. – preparatory works of an edition, translation and commentary of selected entries of Cerroni's encyclopedia "Scriptores Regni Bohemiae".
Zdeněk Brtnický of Waldstein and his Diary from the Years 1597–1603 – preparatory works of Waldstein's biography and an edition and translation of his diary.