Conditions of EU support
As a condition of accepting EU support for your experiment, you have to agree to the following conditions:
1. Acknowledgement
The NMI3 project has to be acknowledged in any papers or conference proceedings that are published as a result of this work. The following paragraph have to be included in the acknowledgments section:
This project has received funding from the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under the NMI3-II Grant number 283883
The statement above does not replace proper acknowledgement of the Neutron Physics Laboratory (NPL) in your publications.
2. User questionnaire and Summary report
can be found at the following link:
These forms have to be completed promptly after the completion of your experiment (approximatelly within one month). Once completed, please send them to NPL (
In addition, please complete following on-line documents:
- EC questionnaire under
We kindly remind you that filling out these questionnaires helps to show the interest of maintaining the support of the European Commission to these research infrastructure facilities! Many thanks for your contribution!
3. Data protection
On the user questionnaire, you are requested to provide some personal data which will be recorded and used for the purposes indicated below. The data will be processed only for statistical and administrative purposes in order to guarantee future funding opportunities, and to statistically analyse the size of the neutron-community.
The data are collected by the NMI3 project manager on behalf of the European Commission, and therefore may be accessed by the NMI3 project coordinators and the European Commission for official use only, and will remain confidential. Your personal data will not be shared with other organisations without your knowledge, unless this is required by law. If your e-mail address is requested, this is solely for the purpose of conducting a mid-term review if necessary, and it will not be divulged to any third party, or used for marketing purposes.