Saturday, 6 05 2017

Last update02.05 13:34

Citizens and Municipal Elections

In November survey we questioned respondents about their participation in municipal elections to Local Councils and also we asked them whether they knew the candidates and whether they preferred candidates from political Parties or non – party candidates. More than two thirds of respondents told us that they participated in elections. The real election participation was 46, 38 %. This difference can be caused by the fact, that the public opinion research is made by personal interview, which means that a part of people who deny making a talk is unavailable for those surveys and there is also a fact, that people when talking about some subjects tend to talk in their own style which is not always the same as they really act. (If they answered another way, they could feel inferior).

More than a half of those who participated in elections said they had known only a few candidates. All or almost all candidates were known by almost two fifths of people and 7 % of respondents admitted they did not know anybody.

In these municipal elections candidates were more often chosen from political parties according to 45 % of respondents. Two fifths of people voted for both candidates from political parties and non-parties candidates. 13 % of citizens voted only for non- party candidates.

>> Full text is available in Czech only <<


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