Saturday, 6 05 2017

Last update02.05 13:34

Image of political Parties

As a part of April survey realized by CVVM there was a question how citizens perceive 4 long-lasting strong political Parties and Greens. We chose some criterions that represented both concrete programme aspects and general characteristics of their activity at political scene.

When evaluating political Parties respondents mostly agreed with statement „the Party is only interested in gaining the power“ when talking about parliamentary parties - it was positively answered by 60 – 72 % of respondents and and statement that Greens are only interested in gaining power – it was agreed by 46% respondents. The statement „the Party solves problems carefully“ – in connection with parliamentary parties is accepted negatively by a half of respondents and Greens are considered to solve problems carefully by 27% of respondents.

Major part of Czechs think that „Parties cause vain conflicts“ – when talking about ODS this statement is agreed by two thirds of people, that CSSD and KDU CSL cause vain conflicts is agreed by a half of respondents, KSCM is supposed to cause problems by 42% of respondents. Greens were considered to be a cause of vain conflicts by 21% of czech citizens.

Respondents often chose negative answer when they had to express their opinion on statement „Party solves problems carefully“ in connection with parliamentary parties (a half of repondents chose negative answer).

CSSD and ODS are both perceived such as partias that have distinct political personalities – in connection with CSSD it is agreed by 68% of respondents and in case ODS – this statement is agreed by 71 % of czech citizens.

>> Full text is available in Czech only <<


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