Saturday, 6 05 2017

Last update02.05 13:34

Four Months before the Referendum on the Accession of the CZ to the EU: How Would We Vote Today?

A strong intention to participate in the referendum on the accession of the Czech Republic to the European Union at this point has been shown by 42 % of respondents, another 36 % have promised their participation with some hesitation ("probably yes"). Seven percent were still considering their decision and the remaining 15 % would not come to the referendum. The readiness to vote in the referendum remains under the influence of certain cooling phenomena recorded at the beginning of January. In total, entry to the EU was supported by 59 % of respondents and rejected by 23 %; support for entry has been gradually increasing. If today those that strongly or hesitantly plan to participate in the referendum went to cast their votes, then 71 % of them would vote for and 20 % against accession, 9 % do not know which way they would vote. If only those strongly decided came, then the ratio of votes for and against would be 74 % to 22 %, four percent would not know.

Strong pro-integration viewpoints are typical for ODS (Civic Democratic Party) supporters (79 %), above-average yes votes are also manifested by voters of KDU-ČSL (Christian Democratic Party – Czechoslovak People’s Party) (72 %) as well as ČSSD (Czech Social Democratic party) (67 %). Permanent anti-integration views are manifested by supporters of KSČM (Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia) (against entry: 61 %, for entry: 21 %).


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