Saturday, 6 05 2017

Last update02.05 13:34

Public opinion on re-election of american president Gerge W.Bush

Almost half of czech citizens (48%) were ( some at least partly) interested in american presidential elections. One out of ten respondents expressed, that he is deeply interested in it. On the contrary a third was very little interested in presidential elections in the USA. 19% of respondents did not care about it at all.As an often expressed public attitude to result of american presidential elections appeared an indifferent answer „ Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied“ (46%). Almost a quarter (23%) of those who had their positive or negative attitude to presidential elections was dissatisfied with result ,17% of repondents were satisfied with re-election of G.W.Bush as an american president. More than a half of citizens (58%) say that re-election of G.W.Bush will worse the situation in Iraq and it will worse relationships between the USA and islamic world (57%).

>> Fulltext is available in Czech only <<


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