Fyzikální ústav Akademie věd ČR

CALICE Project

The aim of the project is to develop and test a new type of hadron calorimeter for a detector at planned International Linear Collider (ILC). The required properties are high density, hermeticity and very high granularity to separate different particle in jets.

The active medium of the hadron calorimeter is formed by scintillating tiles of the size 3x3x0,5 cm3. The absorber consists of 2 cm thick stainless steel plates. The light signals from the scintillator are lead by wave-shift fibres to new type of silicon photomultiplier (SiPM or MPPC) with photocathode of the size of 1mm2. Due to small size the photo-detectors and wave-shift fibres are located directly inside the scintillating tiles and digitizing electronic is inserted in free space between the active medium and the absorber. This concept enables us to construct very compact calorimeter with high resolution of jet energy (together with the track detector the expected resolution is about 30%/√(E [GeV]) ).

Our group is active in development and production of calibration system for silicon photomultipliers. The calibration light is generated by LED driven by a dedicated electronic board and is distributed into several tiles by one optical fibre. The LED driver makes it possible to produce light pulses of duration of 5-10 ns with controllable amplitude. Finally we are interested in data analysis from test runs with various beams.

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