Projekt přináší analýzu exitujících institucionálních struktur zprostředkování zájmů mezi jedinci, sociálními skupinami a státem, existujících forem zprostředkování zájmů a jejich efektivnosti. Proces zprostředkování zájmů je zkoumán z hlediska sfér, v nichž se odehrává, procesů, jimiž se uskutečňuje, a aktérů těchto procesů. Projekt dokumentuje faktory a způsoby formování otevřené občanské společnosti, participaci občanů, utváření životních podmínek a postojů lidí při zprostředkování zájmů především v pevných formách organizací nebo formách institucionalizovaného chování. Reprezentace zájmů byla operacionalizována do následujících částí: odbory, organizace zaměstnavatelů, politické strany, organizace neziskového sektoru, veřejnost a především média masového působení, organizace veřejné správy, organizace místní samosprávy.
Project publications (total 9, displaying 1 - 9)
The article focuses on the change of relationship between the state, state authorities, and local self-governing authorities on the one hand and the Citizen and thein groups on the other hand. It show the new modes of governance which state and self-governing authorities use to communicate with citizen and to invite them to participace on decision-making.
Czech political parties have built their organisations since the beginning of the 1990s in an environment that was hostile to organised partisanship. They face a lack of interest among citizens in joining political parties, which can be seen in the continually falling number of members in the case of KDU-ČSL and KSČM, and in the case of ČSSD and ODS in the stagnation of the number of members since their inception.
The chapter describes third sector and civic participation in the Czech Republic. It focuses on the role of non-governmental organizations, the character of third sector in the Czech Republic and its context in the central European region. It examines the membership of the non-governmental organizations and the third sector as a field of interest articulation. In the last part, it introduces the barriers of the civil sector in the Czech Republic.
The chapter analyse the role of social dialogue and its importance for harmonisation of opposing interests in the field of capital and labour. Social dialogue means different forms of communication between social partners, employers and employees, organisations representing their interests. Attention is paid first of all to the social dialogue on the national level and its institutionalized form, tripartite.
The article explores two main interest groups of local authorities: Asociation of towns and cities and Asociation of regions. It focuses on their relationship towards thein members and on activities dutiny legislative lobbying.
The article informs of surveys conducted during the project „Forms and Effectivity of Intermediation of Interests between Individuals, social groups and the State.“
The paper deals with the opportunities for and barriers to social dialogue in the Czech Republic. It stresses the importance of the role that social partnership and its institutionalised form – the tripartite Council of Economic and Social Agreement (RHSD) – occupied in the transformation processes.
The paper aims to make a complex analysis of how the third sector and civic participation function in the CR. It describes the types and structures of Czech NGOs, introduces a new typology of NGOs based on selected criteria, evaluates how the Czech third sector functions in the CEE context, and further elaborates on notions of participation among Czech citizens.
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