The article documents the development of life satisfaction in four transitional Central European countries since 1991, in comparison with Germany and Austria. After presentation of data sources and the overview of the literature regarding the effect of transition on life satisfaction, surveys of European Values Study 1991, 1999 and 2008 are analysed together with macroeconomic data. First, satisfaction levels are correlated with GDP and then, individual characteristics of income, gender, education and family status are regressed to as explanatory variables of life satisfaction. While the explanatory power of GDP is found as very weak for the entire period, the effect of objective characteristics has peaked in 1999 and the effect of subjective perceptions in 2008. The survey information on trends after 2008 differs but no dramatic change of the life satisfaction due to the economic recession has so far appeared.
impaktovaný článek
Večerník, Jiří
Subjektivní blahobyt v České republice a střední Evropě: makro- a mikro-determinanty
Večerník, Jiří. 2014. „Subjektivní blahobyt v České republice a střední Evropě: makro- a mikro-determinanty.“ Politická ekonomie 62 (2): 249-269. Dostupné z: