BYMAT Conference-Bringing Young Mathematicians Together

Tuesday, December 1, 2020 - 9:00am to Thursday, December 3, 2020 - 7:00pm

This conference aims to:

-Strengthen the links between PhD students in all disciplines where mathematics is relevant, both nationally and internationally.
-Encourage researchers of different institutions, disciplines and countries to start building a network of contacts early into their careers.
-Provide a warm and open space for researchers in the early stages of their careers to present their work to peers of similar experience.
-Promote cross-disciplinary training during the PhD stage, favouring interaction with students from different areas, and boosting scientific outreach and the transfer of knowledge between academia and industry.
-Favour the use of English as a working language to make BYMAT an inclusive conference.

Participation and attendance to the Conference will be free of charge.

The conference is especially directed at PhD students in all areas of mathematics and related disciplines, and indeed any young people who use mathematics in their daily lives/jobs. Everyone, from undergraduates to university professors or industry professionals, is more than welcome to attend!

We expect contributed talks and posters to come mainly from PhD students, young industry professionals, master’s students and recent postdocs. The official language of the conference will be English.

We will have short talks (15-20 minutes) distributed in thematic parallel sessions, a poster session, 5 plenary talks delivered by young professors and industry professionals, and 3 workshops. As a novelty this year, in view of the growing interest in the role of mathematics in managing the coronavirus crisis, we have decided to include a round table event among mathematical professionals who have studied various aspects of the epidemic as one of the central activities of the conference.

In addition, this year we have the participation of the journal Mathematics, which will present an award for the three best posters!

The conference will be held online
46001 Valencia Valencia