Intranet Čeština


The Centre for Preclinical Testing (CPT) commenced activities (19.5. 2017)

After obtaining the certificate of Good Laboratory Practice (GLP) in January 2017, the Centre for Preclinical Testing (CPT) commenced activities with the support of the Czech Academy of Science (CAS). The primary mission of the CPT is to perform preclinical testing of substances that have successfully passed through basic research, and thus to contribute towards the development of new pharmaceuticals to combat life-threatening diseases, including those currently difficult to cure.

The Centre was established through the programme called Preclinical Testing of Potential Pharmaceuticals, which is an important part of Strategy CAS 21, the CAS initiative focusing on the practical utilization of the results of basic research. The CPT offers a broad portfolio of tests under Good Laboratory Practice (GLP) and also Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) conditions. The Institute of Physiology CAS performs a coordination role for the CPT, and testing is also performed by the Institute of Molecular Genetics CAS including National infrastructure CCP, the Institute of Animal Physiology and Genetics CAS, and the Institute of Biotechnology CAS. The Centre is also open to participation by other institutes and institutions. The CPT offers its services to customers from both the academic and commercial sectors. Testing is carried out by recognised experts with long-term experience. The great advantages are the coordinated approach, flexibility, and the comprehensive nature of the offered services. You can find out more about the scope of CPT activities on the website:


What can we do about lifestyle diseases? A meeting of experts from IKEM and the Institute of Physiology CAS (25.4. 2017)

A meeting of leading Czech physicians and scientists was held on 20 April 2017 at the Institute of Physiology CAS focused on advances in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of serious diseases, primarily the lifestyle diseases. These chronic diseases represent a significant socioeconomic burden on modern society. As part of the Seminar on Joint Preclinical and Clinical Research at IKEM and the Institute of Physiology, the results of the successful cooperation to date between the research teams at the two institutions were presented through 11 lectures and 37 poster presentations, also documented by a total of 25 joint grant projects and 81 publications over the last decade.  The experts also discussed the focus and future of their very successful research to date into diseases of the heart and blood vessels, metabolic disorders and other serious illnesses. Without good collaboration between clinical centres and institutions focusing on research into basic biological mechanisms, it is impossible to achieve important progress in care for patients with severe medical problems, which often severely handicap them and devastate their quality of life. The event, which took place against a background of great interest from the expert public, was organised by the Qualitas and Preclinical Testing of Potential Drugs programmes under Strategy AV21, coordinated by the Institute of Physiology.


Cenu MUDr. Jana Bureše za rok 2016 získal RNDr. Vojtěch Vyklický, Ph.D. (24.4. 2017)

Cenu uděluje Alzheimer nadační fond za nejlepší odbornou publikaci mladých autorů (do 40 let), zaměřenou na problematiku Alzheimerovy nemoci a demencí v oblasti neurologie, psychiatrie, geriatrie a neurověd. Za rok 2016 jí získal Vojtěch Vyklický z odd. Buněčné neurofyziologie.Gratulujeme!

The memorandum of cooperation between the Czech Academy of Sciences and Royal Vinohrady Teaching Hospital (21.4. 2017)

Předseda Akademie věd ČR Jiří Drahoš a doc. Robert Grill, ředitel Fakultní nemocnice Královské Vinohrady, podepsali 22. března 2017 Memorandum o vzájemné spolupráci obou institucí. Zdraví je jedním ze základních pilířů kvalitního života a dostupná kvalitní lékařská péče a včasná léčba může výrazně prodloužit průměrnou délku života. Napomoci tomu může i špičkový biomedicinský výzkum, který je klíčovým tématem partnerské spolupráce mezi vědci a lékaři. Spolupráce vznikla díky Strategii AV21, jejíž součástí je program „Kvalitní život ve zdraví i nemoci“. Další informace a fotografie


Lecture "Sleep, health and biological clock" (23.3. 2017)

Ve čtvrtek 12. dubna 2017 proběhla popularizační přednáška "Spánek, zdraví a biologické hodiny". Dr. Alena Sumová a prof. Soňa Nevšímalová představili experimentální výzkum a  moderní léčbu poruch spánku a odpovídali na četné dotazy z publika.  Přednášku pořádal FGÚ v rámci cyklu "Lidské tělo ve zdraví i nemoci".  

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