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Zuzana Chládová
Position: | Postdoctoral Research Scientist |
Email: | |
Phone: | +420 272 016 016 |
Room: | 16 |
Selected publications:
- Huth, Radan ; Mikšovský, J. ; Štěpánek, Petr ; Belda, M. ; Farda, Aleš ; Chládová, Zuzana ; Pišoft, P., 2015: Comparative validation of statistical and dynamical downscaling models on a dense grid in central Europe: temperature, Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 120, 3-4, pp. 533-553
- Sokol, Zbyněk ; Zacharov, Petr, jr. ; Sedlák, Pavel ; Hošek, Jiří ; Bližňák, Vojtěch ; Chládová, Zuzana ; Pešice, Petr ; Škuthan, M., 2014: First experience with the application of the METRo model in the Czech Republic, Atmospheric Research, 143, -, pp. 1-16
- Svoboda, Jaroslav ; Chládová, Zuzana ; Hošek, Jiří ; Pop, Lukáš, 2013: Statistical-dynamical downscaling of wind roses over the Czech Republic, Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 112, -, pp. 713-722
- Chládová, Zuzana ; Fišer, Ondřej ; Brázda, Vladimír ; Svoboda, Jaroslav, 2013: Correlation of free-space optics link attenuation with sonic temperature, Optical Engineering, 52, 3, pp. -
- TA ČR. TA01020592, Impact of brown coal quarries hydric reclamation on microclimate, air quality, water and soil ecosystems, 2011-2014. Investigator: Sokol, Z., Team: Bartůňková K., Pešice P., Řezáčová D., Chládová Z., Kerum J., Fišák J. Details
- TA ČR. TA01031509, Forecasting system for the forecast of road surface for the Czech Republic, 2011-2014. Investigator: Sokol, Z., Team: Bližňák V., Sedlák P., Pešice P., Chládová Z., Zacharov P., Fišer O., Hošek J., Řezáčová D. Details
- COST. IC0802 , Propagation tools / data for integrated Telecom, Navigation and Earth Observation systems, 2009–2012. Investigator: Fišer, O., Team: Chládová, Z.; Fišák, J.; Pešice, P.; Sokol, Z.; Svoboda, J. Details