Medicínské signály

MPM monitor

A completely new possibility for hemodynamic diagnostics is provided by the newly developed multichannel whole-body impedance monitor (MPM). MPM provides the time course of pressure related waves from the whole body at a single moment. Moreover, it is able to take measurements during exercise or various respiratory or body position maneuvers with very good signal quality. Read more about MPM monitor


Experimental neurophysiology

In studying the brain activities it is important to know how the brain structures are functionally interconnected and how information is spread. Intracerebral EEG signals are the unique source data for the evaluation of brain activity. A typical dataset contains many channels (up to 200) covering different areas in the brain. It is, therefore, possible to explore not only each channel separately, but also dependencies between channels to obtain additional information. Read more about Experimental neurophysiology


High-Frequency-Oscillations (HFOs) - epileptic sources localization

About 30% of all epilepsy cases are pharmacoresistant cases that cannot be pharmacologically controlled and a significant portion of such patients profit from surgical management. Intracerebral or subdural electrodes are implanted within the scope of the epilepsy surgery program in particularly severe cases. These electrodes are usually inserted with the objective of precise identification of epileptogenic focus prior to its surgical removal. Read more about High-Frequency-Oscillations (HFOs) - epileptic sources localization


Heart repolarization – QT interval

Cardiac repolarization is measured by the QT interval on the surface electrocardiogram (ECG). Its prolongation is associated with a higher risk of cardiac death and arrhythmias. The QT interval is highly dependent on heart rate (RR intervals) and many correction methods have been suggested to compute corrected QT (QTc). The QTc means the QT interval value that corresponds to 60 beats per minute (bpm). QTc is used as the basic parameter in patient diagnosis and drug testing, but its contribution is limited. Read more about Heart repolarization – QT interval


Heart ventricular depolarization

Conventional 12-lead ECG devices create most of the important basic measurements for heart pathology differentiation.  Entirely new possibilities can be provided by a high dynamic and frequency range ECG (HFECG 150–2000 Hz) followed by new analytical procedures.
MediSig focus on depolarization analysis began in 2013, since we designed methods and software which are able to precisely identify very weak electrocardiographic potentials, to enable ventricular dyssynchrony quantification.  Read more about Heart ventricular depolarization



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