Linka: 2741, 2152
Email: juha
fzu [dot] cz
Místo: S, UTIA
Místnost: 336, 444
Linka: 2107
Email: skalova
fzu [dot] cz
Místo: S
Místnost: 341, 52
Research activities of the Department are located at the frontier of high-energy-density physics and high-energy chemistry. Our research is targeting following topics:
1) interaction of intense extreme ultraviolet and soft X-ray radiation with matter,
2) X-ray, extreme ultraviolet and optical emission spectroscopy of plasmas produced by focused beam of short-wavelength and conventional, long-wavelength lasers,
3) characterization of focused beams of short-wavelength lasers,
4) X-ray holography with atomic resolution and related techniques,
5) chemical and plasma-chemical generators of atomic and excited species for chemical lasers, e.g., COIL – Chemical Oxygen-Iodine Laser, and related purposes,
6) chemical consequences of laser-induced dielectric breakdown (LIDB) in molecular gases and their mixtures, and
7) theory and computer simulations of hot dense plasmas (HDP) and warm dense matter (WDM).
In above-mentioned areas, we are conducting both fundamental and application-motivated research. Numerous undergraduate and graduate students are involved in our research. Almost all the research activities occur in international collaborations.