Fyzikální ústav Akademie věd ČR


Past events

Seminar / Fri, 23/10/2015 - 14:00

Manipulation of magnetization by spin-orbit torques

Seminar / Fri, 23/10/2015 - 10:00

Interplay of charge, spin and thermal imbalances in normal-metal/ferromagnet bilayers

Seminar / Thu, 22/10/2015 - 15:00

In silico studies of electronic current in nano-junctions: Exciting atomic motion

Seminar / Thu, 22/10/2015 - 14:00

Jets at the LHC and beyond

Seminar / Tue, 20/10/2015 - 10:00

Charged domain walls in BaTiO3 single-crystals

Conference / Mon, 19/10/2015 - 08:00

ELI Beamlines Scientific Challenges 2015

Seminar / Fri, 16/10/2015 - 11:00

Nonlinear laser lithography for industrial applications

Seminar / Thu, 15/10/2015 - 13:30

Applications of atomic layer deposition (ALD)

Workshop / Thu, 15/10/2015 - 09:00

The 27th Ad-Hoc Workshop on Jana2006: Electron diffraction

Workshop / Tue, 13/10/2015 - 18:00

The 9th International Workshop of HEC-DPSSL

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