The Academy of Sciences of the Czech rebublic - ASCR

Prof. Allen Boozer, one of the most recognised physicists in the field of magnetically confined plasmas, visited IPP

On June 5, prof. Allen Boozer one of the most recognised physicists in the field of magnetically confined plasma visited IPP. 

Prof. Allen Boozer is an American physicist, full professor (Department of Applied Physics and Applied Mathematics, Columbia University) and co-recipient of the 2010 Hannes Alfvén Prize. 
In his talk at IPP, prof. Boozer focused on the magnetic reconnection, mostly on the problems that arise when we try to describe 3D reconnection in plasmas by 2D models. 3D reconnection may have large consequences on the physics of tokamak instabilities and disruptions.

Strategie AV21 Prof. Allen Boozer visited IPP















Photo: IPP.

5 Jun 2017