JCS Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry
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Dear colleagues.
It is our great pleasure to invite you to the Chateau Liblice, an academic retreat about 30km north of Prague, for the 4th Japan-Czech-Slovak (JCS) Symposium for Theoretical and Computational Chemistry that will be held in May 18-20, 2011.
The idea of joint Japan-Czech-Slovak symposia was born during a dinner in Villa Lanna on the occasion of Prof. Nakatsuji's visit to Prague. Prof. Zahradník remarked that in spite of cultural differences and geographic distance, both the formerly Czechoslovak and Japanese schools of quantum chemistry had a rich tradition and their interaction should not be confined to occasional visits. It ignited the initiative of Prof. Havlas and Prof. Nakatsuji to start the symposia, which evolved into a regular biannual event. Three previous symposia were held in Prague (2005), Kyoto (2007), and Bratislava (2009), chaired by Prof. Havlas, Prof. Sakaki, and Prof. Urban, respectively. Quite naturally, the 4th JCS Symposium International Advisory Committee includes Prof. Hiroshi Nakatsuji, Prof. Zdeňek Havlas, Prof. Petr Čársky, and Prof. Miroslav Urban.
We expect the 4th JCS Symposium to be an informal meeting with approximately 80 participants. This includes twenty guests from Japan, for which we would be happy to cover the stay and full-board in Liblice, 20-30 theoretical chemists from Slovakia and 30-40 Czech participants. The program of the conference will consist of approximately 35 oral presentations, a poster session, and a conference dinner.
The regular conference fee for Czech and Slovak participants is 250 EUR and it covers meals during the conference, the conference dinner, and transportation from Prague to Liblice and back. 

We look forward to seeing you at 4th JCS Symposium in Theoretical Chemistry.

Dr. Jiří Pittner, Dr. Lubomír Rulíšek, Conference Chairs
jiri.pittner@jh-inst.cas.cz; lubos@uochb.cas.cz
On behalf of the 4th JCS International Advisory Committee

Conference Sponsor: Japan Embassy in the Czech Republic