Hana Fořtová, PhD.

Research interests:

Moral and political philosophy; Montesquieu, Tocqueville, Constant, Bodin, Hobbes, Machiavelli, Rousseau, Cicero

I focus on the key concepts of political philosophy, mainly in the works of French authors: Sovereignty, Liberty, Nature, Natural Law, and Natural Right. I prepare the translation of the second part of Montesquieu's The Spirit of the Laws. Together with the Defence of the Spirit of the Laws, the book will be published by publishing house OIKOYMENH in 2015.


Ph.D., Political Science, Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University, Prague, 2010.

M.A., French Language and Literature, Faculty of Arts, Charles University (FF UK), Prague, 2005.

M.A., Political Science, Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University, Prague, 2004.

B.A., Political Science, Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University (FSV UK), Prague, 2001.


Nature: příroda a přirozenost v Montesquieuově díle O duchu zákonů [The Concept of Nature in Montesquieu's Spirit of the Laws] (Defended on March 8, 2010).

Advisor: Rudolf Kučera

M.A. Thesis

Úloha krásy při hodnocení zřízení Anglie a Francie v díle Montesquieua [The role of beauty as involved in the constitutions of England and France in the Montesquieu's works] (Political Science, defended 2004).

Advisor: Aleš Havlíček

Montesquieu: honneur a galanterie jako určující rysy francouzské monarchie [Montesquieu: Honneur and galanterie as defining principles of French monarchy] (French Language and Literature, defended 2005).

Advisor: Aleš Pohorský


Assistant professor (part-time) at the Department of Political Science and Philosophy, Faculty of Arts, University of Ústí nad Labem, 2008-2009.


Česká společnost pro výzkum 18. století (CSVOS) [Czech Society of the 18th Century Research]

Société Montesquieu

Société Française d'Etude du Dix-Huitième Siècle (SFEDS)



- Montesquieu a nejkrásnější monarchie [Montesquieu and the Finest Monarchy], Filosofia, Praha, 2006, 164 p.

- Lev Thun - Alexis de Tocqueville [Leo Thun - Alexis de Tocqueville], together with D. Olšáková, OIKOYMENH, Praha, 2011, 352 p.

Book Chapters

- Liberální pojetí svobody: Benjamin Constant [Liberal conception of Liberty: Benjamin Constant], in: A. Havlíček (ed.), Svoboda od antiky po současnost [Liberty from Antiquity till today], Univerzita J. E. Purkyně v Ústí nad Labem, Ústí nad Labem, 2012, p. 226-238.

- M. T. Cicero, O věcech veřejných [The Republic], OIKOYMENH, Praha, 2009, notes and commentary (together with A. Havlíček).

Articles of general interest

- Okouzlen myšlením – Korespondence Lva Thuna a Alexise de Tocqueville [Enchanted with Thinking. Correspondence of Leo Thun and Alexis de Tocqueville], together with D. Olšáková, in: Dějiny a současnost, vol. 1 (2011), p. 24-27.

- Kritický rozum v politickém myšlení [Critical Sense in Political Thinking], in: Tahy, vol. 5-6 (2010), p. 114-117.

Conference contributions

- „La doctrine des 'six choses non-naturelles' et l'Essai sur les causes qui peuvent affecter les esprits et les caractères de Montesquieu", paper presented at the round table „Montesquieu et le corps" at the 12th International Congress for Eighteenth Century Studies, Montpellier (France), 8/07-15/07/2007.

- „Les sources dix-huitièmistes de la pensée pénale d'A. de Tocqueville", paper presented at the round table „Penser la peine au siècle des Lumières" at the 13th International Congress for Eighteenth Century Studies, Graz (Austria) 25/07-29/07/2011.

Translations from French (up to 2006)

- Jean-Philippe Namont, Československá Kolonie. Dějiny české a slovenské emigrace ve Francii (1914-1940) [Colonie tchécoslovaque. History of the Czech and Slovak emigration to France (1914-1940)], Academia, Praha, 2014 (forthcoming).

- Ch.-L. de Montesquieu, O duchu zákonů I. [On the Spirit of the Laws, vol. I], OIKOYMENH, Praha, 2010, 378 p.

- Ch.-L. de Montesquieu, Projev o pohnutkách, které nás mají pobízet k vědám [Discourse on Inducements that We Are Urged to Science] , in: Tahy, vol. 5-6 (2010), p. 109-113.

- M. Christian, „Uplatňovat vedoucí úlohu strany": funkcionáři KSČ a SED ve výborech závodních organizací (od 50. do 70. let) [Exercise the Leadership of the Party: KSČ and SED Officers in Factory Organizations Committees (Since the Fifties to Seventies)], in: Acta Universitatis Carolinae, Studia Territorialia, vol. 10, n. 2 (2010), p. 47-68.

- N.-L. Cordero, Neočekávaný důsledek připodobnění nejsoucna k „Různému" v dialogu Sophistés [Unexpected result of the analogy of non-existence with „different" in the dialogue Sophist], paper presented at the International Symposium on Plato's Sophist, Prague, 11/11-14/11/2009.

- A. Balansard, Souvislost mezi tvrzením obhajovaným v Theaitétovi 171c8-172c1 a tvrzením obhajovaným v „obraně" (166a2-168c2).[Connection between the statement defended in Theaetetus (171c8-172c1) and the statement defended in „defence" (166a2-168c2)], paper presented at the International Symposium on Plato's Theaetetus, Prague, 17/10-20/10/2007.

- M. Narcy, Sókratés a problém omylu v dialogu Theaitétos [Socrates and the problem of error in the dialogue Theaetetus], paper presented at the International Symposium on Plato's Theaetetus, Prague, 17/10-20/10/2007.

- Constant, O antické svobodě ve srovnání se svobodou moderní [On the Liberty of the Ancients compared with the Liberty of the Moderns], in: Reflexe, vol. 30 (2006), p. 77 -97.


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