Chcete-li se dozvědět víc o možnostech PhD studia ve Fyziologickém ústavu, podrobnosti naleznete v sekci PhD program.
Volné pozice
Magisterské práce
Molekulární neurobiologie
PhD project:
Collapsin response mediator proteins in neurodevelopmental disorders
Precise regulation of neural development is essential for normal function of the adult nervous system. Defects in neuron migration, branching or growth have been linked to several…
Vývojová epileptologie
PhD Project1:
Department of developmental epileptology
Department of developmental epileptology is engaged in experimental research on long-term conequences of brain injury or antiepileptic drug exposure at early stages of postnatal development and mechanisms associated with development of…
PhD project1:
Analysis of the long-term alteration of rat brain protein composition by morphine, methadone and opioid receptor agonists; comparison with model cell lines expressing individual subtypes of opioid receptors
Candidate’s profile (requirements):
No special requirements;…
Strukturní biologie signálních proteinů
PhD Project1:
Study of allosteric communication in chimeric two-domain proteins upon binding to TRP channels
PhD Project2:
Chimera two-domain proteins containing PDZ3 and their interactions
Research topics:
Nowadays, the studies of protein structures move from mapping of…
PhD project1:
Molecular mechanisms of binding, activation and allosteric modulation of muscarinic acetylcholine receptors
PhD project1:
Molecular mechanisms of interaction of muscarinic acetzlcholine receptors with membrane component
Candidate’s profile (requirements…
Membránový transport
PhD Project1:
Structure and function of proteins transporting alkali metal cations
Research topics:
The aim of the PhD thesis is to identify amino…
Funkční morfologie
PhD Project:
Modulation of nociceptive signaling at spinal cord level
We are highly interested in different aspects of spinal TRPV1 receptors modulation of nociceptive synaptic transmission at the spinal cord level. This project will be focused on their interaction with other types…
Buněčná neurofyziologie
PhD Project1:
Early processing of ionotropic glutamate receptors in rat and human neurons
Research Summary:
N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors (NMDARs) are a subclass of glutamate receptors that play an essential role in mediating excitatory neurotransmission and synaptic…
Research topic:
Main focus of our department lies on mitochondria, an organelle which accommodates number of key metabolic pathways and governs the live and death of the cell. A lot of our Research goes into the complexes of oxidative phosphorylation apparatus (OXPHOS), regulation of their…
Biologie tukové tkáně
PhD project1:
Targeted analysis of metabolic pathways - fluxomics by LC-MS/MS
Research topics:
The aim of the project is to develop a methodology to describe changes in metabolic flows in pathophysiological conditions based on…
Funkční morfologie
Na našem oddělení je možné vypracovat bakalářské, diplomové a doktorské práce na různá témata týkající se mechanizmů a vzniku bolestivých stavů.
Periferní a centrální mechanizmy bolestivých stavů
Modulace nocicepce na míšní úrovni
Úloha synaptické modulace při nociceptivním přenosu na míšní…