Intranet Čeština


Institute of Physiology of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic

opens a  position at the the Department of Neurochemistry headed by Jan Jakubík, Ph.D. for a




The position will be available for 3 years with a possible extension as a junior scientist.

About us

We study the physiology, biochemistry and pharmacology of cholinergic neurons at molecular level. In our study we mainly employ cell lines but we also use animal models. Our research is focused mainly on these topics: i) Biochemical physiology and pharmacology of cholinergic neurons. Development and differentiation of cholinergic neurons. Synthesis, storage, and release of acetylcholine. Presynaptic regulation of acetylcholine release. Interactions of cholinergic with other neurotransmitter systems. ii) Cholinergic mechanisms in pathogenesis of Alzheimer´s disease. Influence of beta-amyloid on acetylcholine metabolism and muscarinic transmission. Iii) Molecular pharmacology of muscarinic receptors. Allosteric modulation of receptor activation. Interaction of muscarinic receptors with G-proteins. Modelling of muscarinic receptor signal transduction. (see


Your project

You will start and manage new project on cholinergic activation of GABAergic interneurons in striatum with the aim to determine how disruption of cholinergic activation of striatal GABAergic interneurons alters striatal signalling and striatum-based behaviour. First, you will generate transgenic mouse model by local deletion of β2 nAChR subunit in striatal GABAergic interneurons by stereotaxic injection of adeno associated virus carrying Cre recombinase under the CMV ubiquitous promoter to β2-flox mice striatum. Subsequently, you will evaluate mice in biochemical and behavioural tests. Efficiency of the gene deletion will be tested by PCR and immunoblotting. To determine how the deletion affects function of GABAergic interneurons you will measure nicotine-induced release of GABA in striatal slices. In behavioural tests you will measure locomotor activity and motor functions on rotarod and will assess cognitive functions predominantly focusing on the behavioural flexibility and goal-directed behaviour: evaluation of behavioural flexibility and propensity to habitual behaviour by measuring of reversal learning, extinction and devaluation test, allocentric vs. egocentric spatial navigation, sign vs. goal-tracking behaviour in the Pavlovian conditioned approach task, motivation in fixed and progressive ratio tasks and ability to respond to either reward-distal or reward-proximal cues using the heterogeneous sequence task.


Your profile

We look for a highly motivated candidate with a PhD degree, who is fluent in English, has extensive experience in animal handling, stereotaxic injections and behavioral testing of animals as well as molecular biology techniques and biochemical determinations. Preference will be given to candidates with at least one year experience of research outside of the Czech Republic.


Our offer

We offer a competitive monthly salary of 40 000 CZK (approx. 1 500 EUR) with a possible raise based on the candidate's skills and involvement in grant projects. For further information contact Jan Jakubik ( To apply, please, send letter of interest, structured CV, list of publications, photocopies of documents proving the attained level of education, and recommendation letters of two independent academic referees to the following addresses: and


Please apply immediately.  The application deadline is three months from the date of publication of the advertisement. However, the position maybe filled earlier in the case that a suitable candidate will apply before the deadline.

Date of publication: 24/7/2017